
Is The Real Worth Of People Embedded In Their Financial Capacity?

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3 min read

The real value or worth of people is in their intentions and not their money or financial capacity and this is one money psychology that is steadily ignored. For example, when we perceive people to be rich, it doesn't automatically translate to them giving you some of this money and means.

Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that when wealth overflows, it's a no-brainer that it'll inevitably spill from those who have excessive of it to those who don't, but money works anticlockwisely and no rationale or logic suits it.

This shows that you can be surrounded by rich people and still be poor

Here's a case scenario

When I was younger, I had uncles who were millionaires, but I made the mistake of thinking that since they were wealthy, automatically some of their affluence was bound to change my life too. But I remained in lack, despite my accessibility to plenty via familial ties. It took me years to understand that I wasn't deserving of these people's goodwill.

The moment I let go of that mentality that I was entitled to their help because we were family, that was when I began to find peace of fulfillment in my hustles, even if they weren't as life-changing as I would have wanted. Before people can find the strength to be independent, it means, they've gotten rid of the mindset of dependence.

One of the reasons why we wake up every day to work, earn and still be happy in the meager returns is because we find fulfillment in whatever returns we can muster

Irrespective of this, It's very difficult to start life with no connections, no capital, no goodwill, and no financial standpoint. It's so scary and what this fear builds in us is that it makes us cultivate a dependence mentality. The Dependence mentality is holding on to the idea that we're entitled to the goodwill of others to survive because we feel we do not have what it takes to make it on our own.

The real reason why we fear we cannot make it on our own is that our mind is still holding on to the idea that without the right connections, we might just toil in vain.

Everyone wants to succeed, it gets to a stage in life, we begin to question the effort because the result might be uncertain and not what we expected

A lot of people face this in life because we see a lot of competition outside there, it creates this belief that we need an already established person to help us cut corners, but the problem here is that believing in already established people, takes away the potential business moguls we might become, it takes away the potential victories we might attain after so many failures.

The fear of hustling comes from laziness and doubt in oneself.

We fail to understand that 50 to 70% of these established people who we are banking on, to have a breakthrough are interested in building themselves to attain more milestones of financial independence.

The Rich People's Milestone

People who have achieved every financial milestone, might seem satisfied on the surface, but most of them have this baseless fear of hitting ground zero even if they cannot be poor again, they still keep chasing the million, because to them it's an endless journey.

In reality, I wouldn't even judge them, I would never judge a wealthy person who's fighting to own more wealth because it takes genuinety and true love for a wealthy man to halt their wealth-building process to build you as they build themselves. Building people can be difficult, sometimes, we have to look from the perspective of the builder; the challenges they're encountering..... (To be contd)

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