
Letting Others See The "Invincible Value" We See

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3 min read

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The last hardfork seems to have improved activities on steem, raised the efficiency of both qualitative blogging and qualititive curating and even if we're seeing less and less of engagement except from the regular people, I think we have one aspect of Steem that's improved tremendously over the last four months, the situation is, steem's all round ramifications is improving, but the process seems rather slow, so it seems like no movement at all. I must say I'm really not a technical person so I had to see the effect of practical hardfork to really base my adjudication on its success or failure and since I've been on steem every hardfork has had a way of proving people wrong, mind you this is not a hardfork Post but rather the phenomenon of contenting, value and what seems viable, but I had to acknowledge the fact that I'm writing this because the hardfork has been fairly good reckoning however with it's downsides.

It's might seem tiring to be on steem, quote me but this propensity is quite overcame when you're enjoying the process, truth is on steem nowadays you have to do more to get less and it's not fair to place 0.13& or 0.14$ on something so full of utility. The truth is because you have to do more for less on steem people adjudicate this value to be a constant thing and since it seems to linger for more than 2 years now the mindset of a rising value that should be synonymous with steem is often forgotten simply because it seems long now and the exploit of 2017 is all but forgotten, without a doubt, I've always said that the only thing that steem needs is a push in price and even when people say $5 might do the magic, I think $1 alone will do the magic and why is this? We need the patency that comes with legitimacy and even sadly we can't have that now, let's understand that we're all we've got and Steem is audaciously undervalued

In earnest we are where we are and Steem is doing well despite being suppressed by the bear market, having enjoyed popularity because of price increment in 2017, I think the next bull run will cement a lot of potency for Steem and it will be difficult to hit the downward spiral again. Bitcoin falls but it hardly hits a downward spiral and why is this? It has hit a certain kind of elasticity limit where it won't hit ground zero and I think steem needs this kind of elasticity limit to stay above board Irrespective of the winter or bear market. I Once saw organisations trading on Bitcoin and when I see their front end, they come out as an organization that hates Cryptocurrency and it's very ironic that many people hates Bitcoin but they actually hold it, transacts it and use it to hold their business.

So what if steem attains that status where people (not everyone) don't really feel passionate about it but have no option but to buy, hold it, transacts it and use it's blog Platform? It will be more or less like not liking to travel by air, but having no other choice but to go by air. This is potency, this is indispensability, it's not impossible, Bitcoin is a homogeneous steem isn't, it is heterogeneous and of course that's why it's doable even more so. In essence the next bull run will play a huge role in cementing steem's indispensability. The developments we have already should have got this covered but we need some Certain kind of credibility to sell to people who would bring their business, their projects and company to steem and when legitimacy becomes a basic steem feature, the downward Spiral will become almost impossible to hit, the next bull run is key.

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors