
Money & Life: An Inevitable Rat Race?

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4 min read

I had a friend back in the days who we were both prospective writers, she was in South Africa trying to publish her books, and I was in Nigeria, trying to land spoken word gigs so I could make money if I was ever going to get a shot at publishing mine. As for her, she was already getting gigs and being paid some cool money.

She wrote some maiden books, in which she acknowledged my contributions in making her an established writer, and then about 5 years later, she wrote more books, became an established writer, traveled the world for gigs, and made a lot of money for herself, now the status quo changed, her group of friends changed, I was no longer the man that drove her muse, she became friends with some equally rich published writers, who were quite wealthy.

Climbing Ladders, Comes With A Downside

Who would blame anyone?

In my case, I never made it as a writer because the system crippled my abilities with a lack of opportunities. I had the chance to monetize my talents, but there was no opportunity to do so.

In fact, my friend who went on to become a great writer wasn't a better writer than I was, she was always thinking I'll be the one to break out and become a best seller, but she was the one who actually did and this is why we shouldn't underestimate the power of luck that's gotten by having a good system that works.

Tipping The Scale

Or The Causality Of Things?

Let's face it, some of the people with the best talent in the world might die broke and unfulfilled and that's because some of the enablements we have in life are not even enough to make wealth. Generally, we might attribute this to having a system that doesn't work or attributing it to the unfairness in the human system.

Another bizarre thing is that there are people who will work hard, and do everything in life within their capacity, but they'll still die broke, unable to land that dream job, or that life-changing opportunity that will crown all their efforts. In reality, life isn't proportional, the element of causality when it comes to making wealth is hardly functional.

Living A Life Of ROI

Thisis is why a person who signs papers might be making money while they sleep while people who are actively working day and night are being exploited and don't even earn enough money for the times when they're awake and working. There are people in life who have been dogged, worked hard, and gotten good degrees, originally they'll feel their efforts will automatically translate to results, but the reality is that life isn't automated, there's no certainty even in the face of assurance.

Some people inherit wealth that guarantees them stability, but it still doesn't mean that having this stable wealth will ensure longevity. Longevity is guaranteed when their endeavors with this money yield income, and this income would have to exceed their expenditure for this stability to continue.

Yet, some people end up unlucky even if they had the element of luck working for them in the beginning

However, one of the reasons why people work hard is that it broadens their prospects, but having the opportunity to become a prospect, might signal progress on the surface, but if one's effort doesn't unlock the desired result, every time, money and resources they've put in will not count.

There's no certainty that one's effort will ever amount to the result especially if it's no longer in their power to determine so. One of the reasons why life is unfair is that we cannot determine our future 100%. We can only put ourselves in a good position and hope things work out, then there's the aspect of working hard in the wrong endeavor at the wrong time.

it's like heading to the river bank very early to prevent the rat race that comes with competition, but the person who comes latest goes home with the biggest catch

But, we can never run from the rat race of life

Can we?

some people are playing unfairly, tipping the scale to ensure that the misfortune of others becomes the reason why they become lucky. So even if we've attained a comfortable position in life, especially when it comes to money: fiat currency, and crypto, there's that constant fear that we might lose it because of external factors which we might not be able to control.

This shows that irrespective of the position we are in luck, it's logical when we attribute it to luck especially when there are better and qualified people. But life isn't about being better or being more qualified, it's about adaptability, resilience, and relevance.

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