
Silver Cycles! - 23MR23 - '5 Day Chart - New Sell Cycle!'

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1 min read

πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ Silvers πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

πŸ“ˆ Chartwark (4:00pm):

🟒 Spot Price: +2.06% πŸ€ͺ 5.0 Million Oonces Traded
"Weel they's scallops in th' ocean an' Ahh dornt knows why, (Captain)
Weel they's pearls in th' oysters an' Ahh dornt knows why,
(Galligan) Weel they's sharks in th' ocean n' wee's dornt knows whyyyy......!! (Captain) Doon in th' d e e p....... b l u e........brine!!!" (Captain, Galligan and Crew)

*"Hip-Hip! Hoot!" "Jings, crivens, help ma boab ! The Stoatin' Wav has struck the fleet and we hav ourselves a CROSS!

'Att's reit muckers, we havs a bran new Sell Cycle pattern! (See fur yerselves in the pictographics). Tipper Loon, brings up me silvers chest! Commander Errisl, prepares tae pit ashair! Ahh think Ahh'll sell puckle oonces! Haw! Haw! Follaw th' lines, they ne'er lie!" πŸ˜‰- Keptin Yesterday's Chartwark:*

πŸ–Ό Pictographic Cycle Patterns:

🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a fockin' precioos metals advisur, nur do Ahh wants ta be! Ahh'm jist a dedicated stacker in search o' hoddin silvers an' adventure! (Anyain who says otherwise is likely tae git rin- thru!) - Keptin Joshua Slane

πŸ”” πŸ”” πŸ”” πŸ”” πŸ”” πŸ””

References: - Pictures from:,,,, an' Wikipedia. Data also sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

*Hoddin: hod·den, /ˈhÀdn/ - Common, inexpensive "Uir lest Sell Cycle was Januar 26th an' it only lasted one day! Blimey, that's barely lang enaw tae git a longboat tae shair an' back!" 🀨 -Keptin