
Crypto Mass Adoption Will Happen When _______________ Happens?

avatar of @jrcornel
2 min read

What do you think needs to happen in order for Bitcoin/Crypto mass adoption to occur?

Crypto mass adoption will happen when ________ happens? (fill in the blank with your best guess)

Many people love to throw out the term "mass adoption" when talking about crypto, myself included.

However, what will it actually take happening for it to actually happening?

Could it be one of the following:

  • The legacy financial system breaks
  • A decentralized app gains widespread usage and popularity
  • Massive inflation
  • A revolution forces financial reform
  • FOMO begets more FOMO and pulls people in

What do you think, will it be one of the above or something completely different?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


My thoughts...

I am going to go the cheater route and say it won't be any one bullet point mentioned above, but instead a combination of several of them.

I think as the legacy financial system continues to show cracks (which will be more apparent as inflation eventually ramps up) people will move to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a form of better money.

As that happens, more and more merchants will also switch to accepting crypto and it will all kind of build on itself.

At the same time we are likely to see a couple applications built that start to really attract a large number of users, whether it be a social platform or something else, people are already kicking the tires on these things due to privacy concerns as well as being demonetized/deplatformed.

This could all be pushed further along by a large movement that calls for major reform, a movement just like the BLM that is currently sweeping the globe.

Movements like that will likely work to accelerate the adoption of crypto.

And finally I think as all these things sort of start moving at once, prices begin to rally, which catches the attention of more and more people and more and more developers.

This will be the final push that really brings crypto to the masses as there aren't many things that act as a stronger motivator that making money.

As you can see, I took the cheater way out and used a combination of all the above. :)

What do you think will happen in order to really bring crypto to the masses?

Stay informed my friends.


Posted Using LeoFinance