
HIVE | With great price comes great responsibility

avatar of @karinxxl
3 min read

Hoo-ray and there it was. All of a sudden the price of out mutual favorite chain crossed the $1 marker after a gigantic run the last couple of days. Not a spike in the price to bunce back in now time. No a sustainable run upwards which will grab the attention of more people are.

Rising to #155 on the coinmarketcap is something good, and seeing this 60% surge of price today will also be caught in some peoples eyes. And that is exactly what we need.!
Check out that volume there working it. The signs of stuff coming together and all of our hard work has been paying off. But...with these kinds of price rises and the new influx of people also comes great responsility.

As mentioned yesterday. I think one of the reasons why HIVE is on the rise is because of the increasing popularity on Splinterlands. But we have to be careful that our chain stays a bit sustainable.

It can not be all play2earn and blog2earn and cash out at second one when something has been made. We also need that incentive why people should stay and not cash out instantly. We need it that people lock in their HP, we need it that people don't sell their cards, we need it that people cast votes on other.

In other words.... We need it that this chain is something where people want to be and want to succeed

How do we get people to stay? [Pixabay](
The first and simple thing to think about on how to motivate people on being enthusiastic is really simple.

Don't be a dick

This sounds much more harsh than it actually is, but this is reality. We will be having new people coming and with newby questions and trying how it all works. We will have people voting on themselves because it seems lucrative. We will have people writing shit posts because it earns them because they don't know better. We will have people looking for the easy route.

And let's not forget to not blame them. If you enter the walhalla of blogging and gaming for money how not to think about milking the system. But let's start with letting people know that this is not the way how it works, and show them how it does work.

High Five [Pixabay](
Let's show people the way how it works. Show people that if you use a nice format in your posts with different paragraphs and headers and dividers a post will look a lot better.

Let's show people that when commenting on something that it needs to make sense on the post, and that is how people will recognize you.

Let's show people that when you use an image from the interwebz you use proper sourcing. I remember when someone pointed out to me that I wasn't sourcing in the right way because I was using the source of the image and not the page it was on. This was told to me in a friendly and encouraging way and I never forget about this.

Kindness is key. The rotten apples will disappear eventually anyway, but let's be kind to out new friends and show them the way!

HIVE can thrive with all of us in there!