
I kinda love the LeoFinance Mobile app but....

avatar of @l337m45732
2 min read


Holy shit it's been a busy day. I'm working on opening a business and spent a lot of time on it today. Getting close to opening so it's cool. I saw everyone posting about the LeoFinance mobile app and had to download it. Luckily I use android (haha, apple users) and have been using the app all day.

I have to say - this design is very unique. It's very modern. It feels like web 3.0. Here's the initia l look and feel. Very clean and the animations are very fluid.

One of the first things I looked for was Dark Mode. Good job Leo team for adding that right off the rip. What I didn't expect though, was the fucking themes! I had to make mine purple. Purple is my favorite color. It looks awesome!

Upvoting has a very cool design. It's a sort of slider and you set what your vote threshold is. Then you slide the upvote button up to increase. There's also a double tap to vote but I haven't gotten that to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. But this feels great.

Keep in mind, this app is in early access status so there are a lot of incomplete functions. I can't wait for full wallet functionality. It's going to be sick! Awesome job Leo team. I'm writing my first post from the app right now.

Update: unfortunately I was not able to get this post to publish. I tried via 5G mobile connection and via wifi. It gets stuck on the screen below. Bummer. Still love the app though. Just needs a little work.
