
The Most Important Use Case Of Bank Money

avatar of @lordneroo
3 min read

You can get your hands on more crypto with it.

These corrupt institutions do not like playing by the rules they themselves put in place. Central banks can print more banknotes out of thin air without having to explain a thing to anyone, and hand them out at an interest rate, which in turn induces the need for more banknotes to be printed out of thin air in order to pay said debt. Rinse, lather, repeat. It's a debt prison, and this is just one of the many reasons why we need to get rid of this rigged system.

Some would argue that even though this system is far from perfect, it's the only reliable alternative we have managed to come up with in order to keep our financial activities going on a global scale, but we know this is not true. The blockchain tech has already provided us with far better options.

It's just that the majority don't know it yet.

But but... crypto has no real value! It's fake computer money blah blah! Well, if people see value in something then it instantly gains value. Simple as that. If people wanted to buy rocks from you, you could just sell them some rocks. Period. Now, the reason why people see value in crypto should be pretty obvious, but some Peter Schiffs out there don't seem to get it.

See, in order to create a bank account you need to meet certain criteria. You also need to provide all sorts of sensitive, personal information and trust some megarich central authorities with it. Information that should be protected from unauthorized access to safeguard the privacy or security of an individual or organization. Which is rarely the case.

Even if you do meet all the necessary criteria, newsflash, you will not be granted the ability to do whatever you desire with your own hard-earned funds. For instance, some banks do not allow their customers to send fiat funds to crypto exchanges or withdraw their profits from them. Yup, it's your own account, your own money, but you can't do whatever you wish with it. Even if we are talking about absolutely legal services and activities. The central banking cartel is your boss, and you have to comply.

You can't even rest assured that your funds will be directly available in your account tomorrow. The government may decide to interfere and freeze your assets, or even seize them. This shit is pathetic. You basically have no real ownership over your own wealth. And oh, you'd like to send some of your money to your family overseas you say? I'm afraid you will have to wait for a few business days, if you're even allowed to perform this transaction that is, and you will also have to pay huge fees if we are talking about decent amounts of money. Freedom, yeah?

Crypto is an entirely different story.

The blockchain technology has provided us with the ability to perform borderless, permissionless transactions in a censorship-resistant manner at any time. You do not need anyone's permission to engage in a peer-to-peer transaction on the blockchain, and there are no geographic or legal restrictions of any sort. As a matter of fact, nobody needs to even know. All you need is a wallet and you're all set.

Crypto provides us with the freedom to safely acquire, hold and transfer value anywhere at any given point in time, and this should be the number one talking point when it comes to the crypto space. This is true freedom, and marks the beginning of a new era in human history. This is something the world's Schiffs and Yellens need to be reminded on a regular basis, and also the reason why fiat money now has another amazing use case. Which is the fact that it can be traded for crypto.

That makes fiat money a rather useful tool for the time being as far as I'm concerned, so I will keep investing all my savings into my favourite crypto projects.

But you know, NFA - DYOR.

I appreciate your attention.

Alright guys, that's it for now. Thank you for taking the time to read those lines.

Just my two cents. This is by no means financial advice. Just sharing my personal views and experiences. Please do not take my word for your investment choices, and always do your own research.

Stay safe and have a good one, @lordneroo Image Sources: 1, 2, 3

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