
What Does Investing Mean to You?

avatar of @lunaticpandora
3 min read

This post was created as an entry to the latest Steem Leo writing contest that you can find here! If you don't know what Steem Leo is, it is one of the rising star communities built thanks to the Steem-Engine powered communities, it is dedicated to everything related to investment so you might be interested in that since you are already here :-D

To start talking about what investing means to me, I probably need to go back to the beginning. I discovered Bitcoin like a lot of people around here, around 2015 but at the time I didn't do much with that knowledge because I didn't have any money to buy, so I just read a bit about it and then ignored it for a couple of years.

That all changed around mid 2017, when I met someone in a telegram group (yes, I used telegram before it became popular for crypto teams, at least since 2016) that was into investing and he told me was about to get into crypto currencies and bought some Bitcoin... He told me about exchanges and the moment I stepped into Bittrex (the first time I saw the graphs and numbers) I was hooked. I already loved data and this was a whole new world to explore for me, I bought some 100$ of BTC and started playing around, without knowledge of anything.

I had some pretty big wins early on due to the market getting more and more active but I also experienced some loses (looking at you Einsteinium lol) but overall I had a pretty enjoyable experience and I guess you could say I was probably hooked for life with crypto currencies. Somewhere along the way in the hype of the crypto boom in late 2017 I found myself buying SBD without really knowing what it was, all I knew is that it was rising like crazy and I wanted to ride that wave (a lot of people here might remember those crazy days!). After doing some research, I remember reading something like "Steem, get rich for shitposting" or something like that, probably on Reddit or Twitter... and you know what, that was enough to convince me to jump into Steem lol.

The rest is history, I joined Steem in late december 2017 and I've been around ever since, I came in for the money when SBD and Steem where at an all time high but stayed because I fell in love with the system and the communities that built around Steem! I've got a serious Discord server addiction due to Steem and I don't think it will be going away anytime soon!

So if you want a more direct answer to the question, What does investment mean to me... Well it started as a quest to gather more money, resources or crypto whatever you want to call it by throwing money randomly around and expecting good results but thanks to Steem it became more of a community effort, I not only invest money or get money out of it anymore, I invest my time and love into crafting this amazing communities and participating and helping around. You could say that my concept of investment changed over time from money to time and knowledge thanks to Steem.

This past few months have also revitalized Steem for me thanks to the creation of the tribes thanks to the systems provided by the Steem-Engine, you can finally invest in communities between Steem and play an even bigger part in their development and growth... I have been mainly focusing on Palnet, Sports Talk and Steem Leo as the main communities I'm staking and I'm also checking out other communities in which I could take part on! Because it seems like communities are the future of our blockchain be it with Steem Engine or SMTs, thats where the future lies and thats where I'll head!