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3 min read

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. André François McKenzie

Greetings and welcome dear users of this precious platform, especially to all those who make life daily in the @Leofinance community. The purpose of this publication is to determine the implications of education in the approach and use of blockchains, especially in the massification of Bitcoin as a global exchange currency.

In this sense, and in order to provide answers to these lines of writing, we will rely on an innovative educational strategy that has been implemented in Lebanon, where mental games are used to determine the degree of awareness that users have about Bitcoin, decentralized finance and blockchain in general.

The program under the slogan "Bitcoin sets people free" allows participants to unlock and fulfill different conceptual or thematic aspects that approve them to escape from the room where they are confined.

Under the dynamics of mind games, we seek to promote playful spaces to teach the new generation about this new economic model of world order and for this, we must implement didactic strategies that allow us to understand the true usefulness of Bitcoin and decentralized finance in general.

The methodology of the strategy consists of implementing a mechanics that consists of establishing work teams to cooperate together and solve puzzles, search for clues, put together riddles, among others, which will be the key along the way that will allow the longed-for freedom from the confinement that ignorance instills in us.

According to the results obtained and the opinions of the participants, the fact of being able to finish this type of playful experience, allows to reinforce the knowledge about the cryptographic world, which gives us the opportunity to reinforce our weaknesses in search of being more profitable and effective at the time of facing the market.

We must be aware that the value of Bitcoin goes beyond its dollar value, since the real utility of this new technology, allows to solve a specific problem that is being presented in the traditional economy and it is there, where the maximum of confluences and opinions among users are centered, so they have decided to adopt this new economic model that allows us to leave aside the limitations of the old traditional economy.

Therefore, the Escape Room game is a fun way with a creative approach that allows to adopt and incorporate new users interested in the world and development of Bitcoin, so that education as a teaching and learning process remains a challenge for all countries that have adopted Bitcoin as a legal exchange currency, as well as for those who have not yet given way to the use of this new technology.

In such a way and for those of us who have not taken the first step to face the new economic model that cryptocurrencies present us with, this is a valuable way to stop living in a large global room from which we must escape and all product to the lack of acquisition of information that allow them to have a broader and holistic view about each of our finances.

We are in an era where information is power, therefore we must continue to educate ourselves about each of the conceptual and procedural aspects that are present in the blockchain world and Bitcoin in general.


  1. The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images