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2 min read

The project hope community is a lovely community where you find different varieties of topics of post ranging from technology, business, financial, economy and so on.

The top three post I will be picking today are written by great and creative writer from tje project hope community. It is evident in their post that they have really put in a lot of effort in putting together fact creating these amazing post.

The first writer on my list today is

Post: Two ears and one mouth - not a coincidence


How can we improve our listening skills?

"The most important is, that we try to listen to exactly what the other wants to share with us. Because in order to get to know someone's problem we have to listen and understand and we need to have empathy for the struggles the other have. We have to understand the emotions of the individual, the emotions that have such a big influence on our lives, and how they feel.

We have to try to use our empathy to assure the other that we are there for them, that they can trust us, because to share these feelings with someone is, in fact, intimate. As we do not like sharing our fears, weaknesses, and struggles, it puts us in a weak and vulnerable position. As a result, it is important that we understand the responsibility of this, if we want to be good listeners."

The Second Person on the list is

Post: The True Measures of Success


"Always Ready to Learn Another way to measure success is in your ability to always learn from other people’s opinion. An early sign of failure is when you always consider yourself to be right and not been correctable by anyone, life is a playground where we have to seek different opinions from different people choosing to learn from their mistakes instead of punishing ourselves. True success is measured from your ability to always learn because it leads to increase."

The third person on the list is


Post: Healthy Mind... Healthy Body


"Once we are able to establish a connection between our mind and our body, there is what many people call the "perfect duet" because this pair becomes responsible for something very important in our lives: the formation of our character and also us it helps us to see life in our own way and better judge what is in our way. It is something that science cannot explain (despite having tried many times) completely because there is a spiritual connection involved in this process."