
avatar of @manniman
2 min read

People are amazed by the idea of independence from the current system of banking. I'd bet that deep down that's such a powerful idea, it's been driving nearly every motion in the space since the inception of the fundamental ideas behind the Bitcoin Whitepaper. Those ideas are so old, they are going back to before the 2000s.

Thinking about Ludwig von Mises, with whom I disagree a lot, he might be right about the fact that there's no global warfare without FIAT money because it's too expensive to keep up in a different money system. The solution might be crypto, but a market price is a form of true information. It's hopeful if it goes up and depressing while it dips down. I'm not foolish enough to ignore the reality of the global financing systems, but I'm hopeful enough to imagine that one day decentralized cryptocurrencies are part of the solution to bring us to the age of abundance. We need the prices to keep going up for that to happen - a lot up, that's very obvious to me. I would set the key moment to when BTC hits 500k, that'll be the dawn of an unstoppable motion.

Right now with the current price levels, the TOP300 Coins are smaller than 50% of APPLE alone. That's bad news absolutely independent of the level of the technology that's out there.

Crypto is most importantly a community project to me. A global community of technologically adverse people started to reinvent the financial fundamentals. But FINTEC is also a booming sector and people have a tendency to become more obedient the more fat they become, which could let modern FINTEC win a lot of battles out there.

We'll see, we'll see, but we need a strong evaluation of our crypto projects as much as we need the tech itself.