
Late For The Bull Run?

avatar of @manoldonchev
2 min read

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This is totally a stick with some nylon thread tied to it. It marks a small field where I spread some carrot seeds. I turned the turf then, made some necessary steps. Literally. Steps. Then I watered the area with a sprinkler...

And I hope it was not too late, not too early, and properly done.

I have been reaping some crypto last year. Before the actual bull run of November 2020 - The Now. Too early to maximize yield but still enough to survive and be happy with what I had earlier planted.

Looking to plant more now, continuously trying to do so although there's a small paradox. There always is, no? Too busy taking care of a non-crypto source so that the seeds of this last winter can remain unperturbed for a while. Less watering those seeds. Less attention to birds and weather, measures and actions. Really in waiting season. During a bull run.

Perhaps late for it this time if maximization were the name of the game. As it probably should have been. But one can fret on the past to no much avail. Except for the expensive lessons.

Then be glad you had them, learn them and go even more long-run bullish, why not? If you believe it's real and you're still here, it's never too late to plant for next season. Or for the next one...or the next one...

This is exactly how I feel about my carrot field, by the way. It might not give yield. Them carrots might not grow since I did it all the amateur way. But amateur means somebody who does this for the love of it. And as long as it remains there, I shall continue trying until I learn.

Teach a person to carrot, and you feed the person...for a few bites a year.

But, ah, the carroty taste of victory!



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