
The Social Pressures Of Having Too Much Money & Not Having Enough

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2 min read

Wealth is something many people aspire to have. It can be difficult to make decisions when you are faced with a lot of money. A healthy attitude toward wealth is essential for those who have it. A lot of money can be a blessing but it can also be a curse if a person does not control his or her emotions. Having too much money can lead to problems with social anxiety, an ego, and health issues.

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For someone who has a lot of money, the decision of how to spend your wealth is a difficult one. You do not have to have large sums of money to have this issue, in fact, having just enough to get by is enough to stress you out. Keeping track of every penny you spend can make life difficult, especially if that spending makes you feel good about yourself. For those with a lot that allows them to do whatever they want and still feel good about themselves, the pressures are high to make bad decisions that affect their mental health.

A lot of money can make you a target for greedy bankers who want your funds for personal gain. You will likely receive unsolicited offers from people looking for financial help or loans with little effort from your end. Having too much money also makes it easy for authorities like tax collectors and scammers to take advantage of you since it’s hard for anyone but the government to stop you from spending as much as you like without consequences. Greed is another pressure that can make people spend irresponsibly when they have too much money, this leads them to prefer spending over saving so they can increase their net worth even more.

Having a lot of money can also create problems for a person with a lot of money: an ego problem, as there are many things they can splurge on that will only amplify their wealth and make them feel even better about themselves; and health issues, as having too much money can lead to poor eating habits, lack of exercise and other poor choices that negatively impact your body's ability to function normally.


Despite the difficulties associated with having too much wealth, some people thrive under these circumstances and manage their emotions appropriately. A healthy attitude toward wealth is essential for those who have it since they are constantly dealing with internal conflicts over how they should use their fortune. Too much money can lead to serious emotional issues such as greed, ego, and health problems-but some people do well with this situation regardless. It's up to each individual whether he chooses to handle his wealth capably or not— the best course is always moderation when dealing with any type of emotional value!

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