
We Live in a World Devoid of Culture, But Full of Cults

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7 min read

Cult of Personality.
Cult of Environ-MENTAL-ism Cult of Social-ISM Cult of Commun-ISM Cult of Climate Change Extremism Cult of Trump Cult of the Hidden Hand Cult of the Job-Creators Cult of Hustle Cult-ure

So many cults, no culture. We espouse our beliefs based on our own opinions, but we are constantly told, never discuss politics, never discuss religion, and never, above all else, discuss your opinions that go against the status quo and the political establishment.

We live in a world devoid of culture, but full of cults. People are so consumed by their own egos that they fail to see the world as it actually is, rather than how they are told it is.

The media lies to convince people that things are worse than they actually are - after all, how else could the entire world fall for the covidian-1984 cult psyop?

How else could billions of people be so easily-controlled? Unless they were programmed to be controlled.

Self-sovereignty is a dirty word in 2022, but let me explain. It is a dirty word because it is the truth. You are self-sovereign, you just have to assert that belief and make it central to your own personal life. The powers that be do not want this, they do not want a citizenry that is well-educated and capable of critical thinking. They want worker bees who do as they're told and NEVER ask for anything.

THAT is the world we live in. A world full of useful idiots, worker bees who can't see past their own self-imposed blinders. Horses have more liberty, and they get shot to death if they break a leg. Dark humor aside, horses have more liberty when they are roaming free of human control. That is what this is all about: control.

The past 3 years of psychological warfare were intentional and planned. Twitter would disagree, Facebook's fact-checkers would claim I'm lying, but they're all bought-and-paid-for anyway, so there's no reason to listen to anything they say. They are all liars and thieves.

This isn't a rant about socialist media platforms created by the CIA & DARPA money, this isn't a rant about the people behind the companies either. This is a rant about how little culture is left in the West, and what we can do to bring it all back to where it should be.

We find ourselves at a crossroads: Either we choose to be free or we give in to the global debt-slavery system we were born into. There are no other options. No free people ever were slaves, it is a mindset that divides us. We are led to believe that things are the way they are because they are that way, and there's nothing that we, as individuals can do, to change that.

This is false, we are the only ones who can ever change anything. We manifest our own realities, whether we want to admit it or not: that means everything everything negative? You guessed it: manifested, one way or another. From a very young age, we are taught that authority knows best. Regardless of how idiotic this sounds, that is exactly the intention of the government-controlled indoctrination system that is affectionately referred to as the "US Public School System."

The government dictates what the curriculum is. The government decides who gets to teach and who doesn't. They have to give YOU the opportunity to be a teacher, otherwise, you don't get to participate. By definition, the indoctrination system is designed to curtail individual development and force masses of unthinking children into giving up on any notion of self-realization.

This is what I have learned, as a byproduct of that system: It's all bullshit. Every last bit. The lies you were fed as children have permeated the so-called "popular" culture. There are millions of people in the United States who genuinely believe the government is looking out for their best interests. This is foolish, no one is looking out for your own best interests EXCEPT you. That's it. No one else. Your parents will want what THEY THINK is best for you, not what is ACTUALLY best for you, only you can do that.

This is where the concept of personal responsibility comes in. Too often, children are taught that their actions don't have consequences. They are often physically abused by figures in positions of authority to "keep them in line with the status quo." I should know, because I witnessed this very thing in the supposed "best" public schools in the entire country. It's all bullshit, and it's all about control. Government-controlled education means that there is no room for individual thought. Textbooks are written by a monopoly, known as McGraw-Hill, Obama ensured that there would be no competition allowed.

Now ask yourself, why would you want everyone to be reading the same bullshit from the time they're 5 years-old, until they're 18?

Because it's all by design.

In the spirit of keeping to the ethos of LeoFinance, I will wrap this up with the relevance this all has to FINANCE.

As I have written before, we are not taught how to take care of our financial well-being. Schools do not teach anything but theory. Theory is useless when reality exists. Theory is just an opinion, nothing more. It cannot be proven one way or another, like Keynesian Economics. Keynes was a communist, he espoused central power intervention in markets. This is counter to free market economics. He believed that no one should be able to have control over their own destiny, because, the individual was not deemed capable of doing anything independently. This was intentional.

Keynes was a communist bull-shitter, just like Karl Marx. They were both wealthy aristocrats who wrote books that detailed their supposed beliefs. Anyone who has read The Communist Manifesto knows how poorly Marx could write. As a writer, myself, I'm astonished that people would even take him seriously. He was a fool, and his ideology has led to the ruin of millions of people's lives over the past 174 years. Marx was a traitor to the people of Europe, he betrayed the masses who built the Empires we know of today, The Austro-Hungarian, the Ottoman, the Russian, even the British Empire, were all affected negatively by Marx's bullshit.

And now, in 2022, we find ourselves having to confront the ugly truth: Communism was never wiped off the map, with the controlled demolition of the Soviet Union (with a lot of help from the traitor, Yeltsin, and his CIA & Clinton connections) to the dissolution of the British Empire, we are witnessing the collapse of the old global world order.

What happens next is an experiment in global technocracy. Instead of "divine-right" kings, we have fascist corporations like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google, and Netflix, which are effectively arms of the US federal government's propaganda machine. Adolf Hitler could have never dreamed of such an effective propaganda-delivery tool as Netflix. People don't even have to log onto the computer to be fed lies and socialist programming, they can receive it, piped directly to their living room Tell-You-Visions.

This is why the real endtimes are coming. Only after the programming has failed, can we begin to rebuild what was once a great culture. The United States used to represent freedom of thought, now, it's just another communist failed experiment, like the British Empire before it, it too, will fall.

I believe we are witnessing that very thing happening now, slowly, until the speed of the decline accelerates into total collapse.

What can we do? As individuals, there is a lot. The first and most important thing, is to prepare yourself and your loved ones for what is effectively being forced upon us.

  1. Reject all government mandates, they are, by definition, illegal. Mandates are defined as GIVEN TO THE GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE. No such government mandate can originate within the state apparatus.

  2. Stockpile nonperishable foods, including grains, canned meat and fish, and buy a damn water filter. You don't want to be consuming the shit that the government and its fascist corporate partners have infected the water supply with.

  3. Build your own community. Do not accept the narrative that you are alone: You are not. You are waking up to reality like a bad dream. There are generations of people who have carefully orchestrated a global collapse of epic proportions that we haven't seen the fallout from - yet.

  4. Be self-sovereign. Control your own money, Be your own bank. This is the penultimate promise of Bitcoin and the underlying technology behind it. If the bank holds your money, it isn't your money. If an exchange controls your Bitcoin, it isn't your Bitcoin. As they say, "Not your keys, not your crypto."

  5. Understand that you have been lied to, your entire life, by most everyone. It is your personal responsibility to right this wrong. It is not your parents' responsibility to take off your chains - that's on you, and chances are, their chains are much thicker.

  6. Read books, ask questions, and question everything. Do not accept what someone else says at face value, without corroborating their point-of-view from at least one or two other sources that are unrelated. The internet is undergoing a purge of truth, and the powers that be do not want information to be freely shared, so, FREELY-SHARE INFORMATION ONLINE. DO not fear, they will not stop you.

  7. Above all else, make sure to love yourself. That is the most powerful force in human existence. Love conquers all, and destroys hate, eliminates conflict, and destroys false idols and narratives.

In the Age of Disinformation, The Truth is Hidden, and must be brought to light.

"Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas, are bulletproof."

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