
Are Some Humans More Evolved Than Others? - UBI

avatar of @mykos
5 min read

I came across an article that talked about UBI being the next stage of human evolution. This was a very interesting idea in that i had through deduction came to the conclusion that it was probably likely it may be.

If we take a look at most of our cultural advanced technological ideas and future utopians. We consistently see in many incarnations of these projections societies of plenty where the idea of a cashless society is prominent. Where energy is plentiful and where let's face it people are more educated through well provided educational as well as healthcare systems.

In contrast what we see today is parties in our governments that hold debates on whether people should be provided healthcare and have the decency to have their basic needs met at the point where it is more acceptable to them to have people die on the streets from lack of food, clothing or shelter based on some idea of the freedom it would take from others.

it is a well known 20th century philosopher who stated " freedom can only start at breakfast". As to say there can never be any idea of freedom in any society if people don't have the right too food, clothing and shelter and access to them beyond some version of some form of slavery that only allows it provided they trade some part of them for it.

Whereas in the middle ages ideas like this were impossible. In a highly advanced technological world it becomes not only possible but the people who oppose it through deductive reasoning of the article referenced here

UBI is the next phase of human evolution: Homo Universalis

This article would denote then those who are not on this wavelength of understanding would be off the given path of this type of evolution. Evolution in the idea of how it fits into ones environment. How it advances you within your environment. In a world where suffering is not reduced and advancement is slow or lacking to the point most of the general populace is impacted would point to systems of less efficiency.

The idea of the most optimal efficient economic system would then have to exist as a system that both allows for production and profit as well as taking care of the people within that system. As to say if in some capitalist, corporatist, neofeudalistic economic system it would not logically be determined as the most efficient system.

To put it plain the best system is one that helps the world and profits the individual. Is it then that a less evolved mind would chose some idea of freedom that allowed them to profit over the benefit of millions of other people as a better system? It would probably follow that the mindset that is more interested in this type of freedom would follow a more animalistic concept of territorial control as well as instant gratification for the expressed purpose to consume at all cost beyond the protection of the environment.

These are undeniable thought processes and happenings in our economic system. Is a highly intelligent monkey more or less evolved if they exhaust their food supply at the cost of everyone else?

So some of my conclusive ideas is in he arena of economic prosperity which is more healthy for the world because it's likely to increase health and lower crime as well as create new great thinkers and more humanly evolved ideas over animal like territorial concepts. My thinking is that the people of higher evolved cognitive skills would natural flock to such concepts and ideas.

As UBI has become popular over the last few years. There is also the possibility some may be unaware of some of the philosophy of ubi. However i could not imagine they could lack the inability in the framework of the ethical and moral compass to still arrive at such an idea.

To say that the mind of an animal functions like an animal. So if we were to take the highly evolved homosapien from the standard animal kingdom and move him to the emergence of the human and technology whether they arrive at some cyborg like transhumanist destination or from the nature of this article arrive at the homo unversalis designation would be quite different probably in every aspect as to what level of this evolution one would choose.

Let's for example consider someone like Elon Musk would be designated to homo universalis not because he chose to be. it would just be his logical standpoint from deductive reasoning using his higher brain functions to arrive at this place because it would be the only place he can arrive at.

If an animal decides to eat it's own tail. That would occur as a result of a lower brain fucntion or the inability for the animal to reason. Hence in that Elon Musk perspectfully from the idea of he is probably a human who reasons at a level perhaps greater than the average human would arrive at this categorization as evidence of higher evolved minds

If we were to take Mark Zuckerberg another ubi advocate. if posed with the question are you smarter than mark zuckerberg how many would raise their hands? Let's say it's proceeded by an iq test. A harvard graduate versus you.. In such an event how many people would score higher and would they be the exception and not the rule.

I think the point i'm making is more evidence points to this as a scenario than the alternative

Then you have figures like Jack Dorsey who fits a similar profile donating millions to the higher evolved species homo universalis

In some cases an emotional ego may invoke a type of wounded pride in the forming of certain theories that may wound the pride of the individual. I would in any event ask you to set aside such pride as they may in fact as well, be some indication of a less highly evolved consideration.

I also believe it's important to not attach a negative connotation to what that means about you as a person. At this point we don't fully know. What we do know is there may be some evidence to suggest you may in fact have antisocial.. to sociopathic tendencies in the consideration of your fellow human being in which case it may be a good idea to further ponder that.

Many societies have existed where through economic and political control to take an unpopular view could result in being ostracized or even death. So the stakes can be high in a fear culture that can hinder the development of the human being. As we recall in Nazi Germany .. accounts like the diary of Anne Frank. Whether you believed in human decency or not was beyond the point.

What is the cost of being a highly developed mind in such a society that profits when you're not.. That's why we got more ridiculous shows on television than educational ones.

The purpose of this article is not to judge your lack of ethics or morality. The purpose of this article is to find out are we developing within our environment at a level that is beneficial to the world and your neighbors. If you're developing through some type of enforcement warmongered capitalist and conquer system. Then maybe it is time for some soul searching as to whom you are.. The temple of
Apollo at delphi is inscribed know thy self. All through human history and philosphy exist some version of know thy self. So in that way what are you? Are you an afraid animal or are you a higher evolved thinking person of an advanced civilization. Not a slave induced culture of beast who lack reasoning and or compassion as well as the lack of sophistication to create the most optimal beneficial society for every participant.

That's a question to be left for you primates. I hope you enjoyed this article.

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