
avatar of @mykos
2 min read

Amazing story good information. This is the type of data i like to collect. I'm glad you're benefiting from blockchain technology and Venezuela has served in many of our minds as a perfect example of that. My concerns are how do we make this an effective global solution.

For example the data you provided shows a large amount of interest from Venezuela. Venezuela having around 30 million inhabitants? I think it's safe to say the majority of the country is ill impacted by the economic crisis. So my intial thoughts as we discussed in a prior conversation we did not complete i got busy unfortunately. This would seem key to the solution.

Where the data becomes inconsistent for me i'm only seeing 6,338 leo accounts in total. Leo is quite new however Steem and Hive has existed nearly 5 years now and i'm still guessing the number of Venezuelan users under the circumstances are not joining. So that moves me to many of the points you bring up in your article. The lack of access to good services such as internet, computers.. electricity .. time to access and blog etc.,

The other concern i'd raise is how are they getting the skills to blog. I understand blogging may be easy to some but i've met with people on these sites who for them it's not such an easy skill. I'd also mention i believe cryptocurrencies like Electroneum i think have made big strides in helping solve this issue creating not only a school to acquire skills but a service called Anytask that allows people of developing nations to trade off their skills for the cryptocurrency in a micro task workers program.

Although their monthly airdrop which i thought made more sense to everyone was ended i believe prematurely. In dire situations i believe people need cash infusion immediately. My questions to you is do you believe that's a better approach? Micro Task working systems. Do you think more Venezuelans will join the Hive blockchain like in the area of the millions? Looking at the situation what do you feel would be a way to get more Venezuelans using sites such as this?

One of my ideas was more in the range of just deliver them the cryptocurrency on a mobile device. My assumption is that a mobile device is likely more accessible? Sorry for so many questions i tried to follow up from our last conversation

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