
avatar of @mykos
5 min read

Every year the 99.9% of this space has to create gimmicks and bullshit to keep the hustle going. They aren't making the world any better they just burning through cash and resources as you said trying to circumvent selling clearly unregistered securities.

Web 3.0, defi.. nft's.. basically cartoon jpegs hosted often times on a centralized server...the metaverse a web browser full of cartoon characters.. it's ridiculous and these people are incredibly naive to a fault.

Because when you creating bullshit every year you gotta keep creating new crap because by that time everyone has discovered you sold em dogshit.

i spent almost 20 years.. working on wallstreet for the biggest firms in the country. I've been a stockbroker, commodities broker, business broker, venture capitalist. i've done it all. I then was one of like 4 people to build the biggest virtual stock exchange in the virtual world of second life. So although i wasn't a highly trained coder i knew enough code to know how to make sure people weren't stealing from me on the exchanges i owned.

Gimmicks .. hopium.. hype scandal.. pump and dumps .. rugpulls.. Crypto is as stage for these activities and all old scams have to create new scams eventhough every year it's the same scam rebranded .. repackaged but the exact same thing no revolution.. no actual innovation just more bullshit.

the reason the engineers and coders do it. Just to get rich build some bullshit nobody uses they can make money off real fast.

Now someone like taskmaster and marky mark pretty much the same guy. My conclusion is they are both full of shit.. i thought taskmaster was legit at first didnt take me long to discover he's in disguise as one of the bullshit artist as well as well many so i don't wanna just pick on him as it's many of them.

I'll just leave this quick example of the lack of sophistication of people engaged in crypto. So as you stated they always talk about tokenization when they aren't talking about funding dao's, lol. Now the tokenized asset as you explained who's going to exactly enforce your ownership if as jimmy sung stated how dumb it is to try to build all these useless businesses on the blockchain just to make money lol. We know why the devs do it.. People don't fully understand what they are doing who buys this crap.

As to say yes it's not really your keys it's not really your servers that they are holding all this code on. They can turn it off they can roll it back.. they can make changes they can do whatever the hell they want pretty much the bottomline and even if they can't.. still goes back to some of these ideas are just dumb because okay so you own this token asset but it's still exposed to all this counterparty risk with all these gimmick applications. No regulatory body to enforce it but it's always funny how these crypto people they are the first ones who want to take someone to court, lol. Now they suppose to be all the funk the government crap lol.

So when i did bitcoin myk i recognized all those things. i recognized that it would be kinda dumb if how you tokenize value is contingent upon these very limited systemic rules. So for example bitcoin myk was always meant to be a representation of not some virtual intangible product. Bitcoin MYK was always meant to be a representation of the value you were and brought as to say. If i know you always carry value in a monetary system there is no need for certain facets of accounting.

The data is that the landmass of the earth would grant every inhabitant about 7 acres of land. I have 7 acres of land now. I can tell you that you can do alot with 7 acres. You can feed yourself you can house yourself you can put in a parking garage or basketball court whatever.. I view bitcoin myk as the standard in you always start with value x.. and that value x can never be taken away no matter what you're always entitled to it.. Now i could argue nobody produced the earth and any inhumane action or war to force the universal physics of the space i occupy. As to say you're standing in square footage right now.. Universally no matter what a person thinks or says i have to occupy that space.

You could cut me up into a million pieces and those millions of pieces would still have to go someplace. So my point is this. If you live on this earth. It's always going to take for you to live so much food energy going into your body or you'll die. Always going to take so many meters and footage and metrics for you to exist in this physical plane so these are universal truths and they aren't debatable truths. So if i say the earth was produced by whatever cosmic forces out there and that your right lies in you being a human and being on the earth that's not debatable. now you can go construct money schemes.. war machines.. racism..tribalism.. socialism, capitalism whatever and you can interpret howeve ryou see fit but the universal truth is you going to still occupy that many meters of land and you own that space as long as you stay in it.. even if they put you in jail. that jail space is your space and to infinitum .. that continues forever and ever

So a person always has some type of value on this place as long as they breathe and live. Bitcoin MYK tokenizes that but it does it only to represent that socially. It's easier to aggregate it and put it away neat but it's based on those universal ideas.. so it doesn't really matter if it's a node or whatever as long as you as a human find it in your best interest to accept the proposition that you always want to be seen by another human as having value. That you never ever want to find yourself one day in a system where you can be devalued by another human you have equal value to. However through some shellgame they now have convinced everyone that isn't the case and that's what truly makes a human being an idiot.

Bitcoin has it's problems but it makes a ton more sense than these garbage businesses built on the blockchain that don't even make any sense. you can't enforce any rules in any blockchain business... even the early days of ethereum was unregistered security crap open for bullshit.. and it eventually through metcalfe's law just got so big it could diffuse that to the point we're now still confused about if it's even a security..

i wrote alot and maybe some of this went over some people's head but the net summary of this basically comes down to this is just bullshit year after year all these projects. hive included. bullshit after bullshit each year.

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