
avatar of @mykos
1 min read

I don't think you understand yet taskmaster. Many of you all still don't get it. Gary Gensler not anything like the past sec charimans. None of you are out of the woods. You all i would determine still unregistered securities everyone of you are hanging on by a thread and you will have to pay the price for that come soon one day. I reckon under this SEC chairman you likely will.

501c3 status sounding pretty good to us right now. You guys don't have a prayer. You gotta pay the piper taskmaster you know your time is short. Why should'nt you have to pay when many others will pay. You guys expectations of profit many times on work you haven't done yourself in expectation of mooning prices clearly puts you in unregistered security territory. However i did warn you all. People have ears but they do not hear. I wish you all good fortune in the wars to come.

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