
avatar of @mykos
3 min read

I think that's a good analogy that it feels more like Monaco. I'm okay with that idea if that's the purpose of the chain. It wouldn't be a purpose i'd be interested in but i think it would make sense for the people on Hive. Now the reason i wouldn't be interested in the idea is because i don't feel that would solve any significant issue.

For example, Monaco what it really boils down to is being a playground for the rich. The head of state and the monarchy that they work on is really just a corporation with the vast wealth of it's economy based around the halls of monte carlo and ridiculous real estate prices due to the very little square footage. However Monaco almost shouldn't be considered a country but is a very successful affluent area of the map.

I can liken Hive to this greatly because these type projects most of them that occur on Hive at this stage. Is exactly that, a place for people with disposable income but an unrealistic place for any real economic solutions. It's not a problem that this is a perfect model for HIve as much as i think more inaccurate narratives harm it more than it helps it.

For example if the ecosystem were fixed around that point and theme we're a crypto gambling playground for people with disposable income. That makes perfect sense to me. that's really what it is. The problem is early on and even now these dpos systems can be presented like economic models that can change the world which i don't believe they are that. I more agree with the Monaco idea. I don't think it's significant because rich people with disposable income are already the benefactors or the standard economy and crypto economy. So you don't solve any significant issues in that. You make a new playground for them. Although the idea is suggested of some type of economic prosperity or advancement for others. it happens but i believe at a very insignificant level. Monaco absolutely more fitting. My goal for chains is to help them improve and advance the world not fine tune an existing system that already doesn't work for most of the population lol.

To me it's similar to saying gaming will save the world. Well gaming won't save the world. Certainly not skillset games because most of the world is not gamers lol. The average worker was a 38 year old cashier.

So the perspective of crypto i get from you all is build things that reinforce an already disastrous economy that doesn't work for the most people. We do the same thing here. So i know a point occurs and that's why i love blockchain. In that once the herd understands they have choices and they don't have to follow contrived ideas of everything should work like teh standard economy has the only thing they ever known. They can through blockchain tech change the landscape and they will. If i a person with very little programming skills and just a normal person. if i can go create an autocuration system like i did with bitcoin myk that rewards everyone in an egalitarian method in the code. I don't have to worry about the money because it's not about speculation and price manipulation but the service of the system to the people and that creates value. In that sense we already know it's going to be many many systems finetuned like ours lol. So this will self correct but i think this is a very good and accurate description of the maximum potential hive can achieve under it's design created by Dan Larimer which he recognizes as highly flawed. I"m very certain systems like btcmyk and the egalitarian algo that allows it to function. This would be more in line with his idea. I would say most cryptos compare to Monaco even Ethereum in my view. I think Ethereum has a much better chance than other chains with the exception of bitcoin cash which i think could be better than ethereum and i'll have a video later on about why. Yes Monaco is fitting.

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