
avatar of @mykos
2 min read

Omg, this chain is so ignorant.. No wonder hive stays around a 200 rank coin. Only reason i stay here is for the free transactions. I'm going to try to bring some smarter people around here. @bitcoinflood says people are lazy this will make them harder workers, lol.

So he's saying truck drivers who drive for hours on end across the country and coal miners should learn to code. Because she's an idiot. it's the everyone learn to code argument. Listen the human cranium is only so big. The storage capacity of your brains einsteins.. can't grow much larger. you never ever going to outpace that machine or be as useful or effective.

@stefano.massari says it's about 10 years off. Maybe but you don't really know that. The machines are here now

10 years is no time. Some say they'll have to be monitored. it doesn't matter having one guy monitor thousands of machines means millions of jobs gone.

i did a video on this dumb trucker who doesn't believe driverless trucks can replace him and he's catching hell right now

Yes humans suck but the greatest philosophers in the world say no story is worth being written that doesn't involve the human heart. I'm getting tired of trying to save a bunch of dumb humans who will wait 5 or 10 years for catastrophy. No jobs and no means of living means strain on the government when it's not a good plan. Sickness and increase in crime and mental illness and drug use.

You guys creating all these dumb small businesses on the chain. Read up on Trace Mayer and Jimmy Song on why businesses on the blockchain are horrible ideas and you not even creating good businesses.

You selling jpegs from centralized servers for outrageous amounts of money is all utterly stupid, lol. Automation is a problem up there with nuclear proliferation. climate change, world war 3, global pandemics. You all tread light on this. Only project in the world that seems to have a chance in hell of solving the problem seems to be bitcoin myk and bbd.. and for you people like @edicted and don't mention stupid ubi programs on ethereum that gotta pay $50 in fees just to receive a buck. .that's lunacy.

Who goes where's your support nobody supporting you... It's only like 3% of the dummies in crypto that this likely not impacting right now. However, don't worry they'll join me because they'll all be jobless and where the hell do they have to go? lol

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