
SPS: Your New Favorite Token

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3 min read

Welp, the big day has finally arrived!

I’m sure that there’s a wide mix of emotions in the wake of Splinterland’s BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.

Some of you may be feeling UNDERwhelmed. Others of you may be feeling OVERwhelmed. Some of you are smugly commenting, “I knew it”, while others are in a complete state of shock. Some are shrugging their shoulders and moving on. Others are in total and utter FOMO mode.

And for those who haven’t heard the news yet: Splinterlands is releasing a Governance Token called Splintershards (SPS).

That’s the news.

Governance Token.

Let that sink in. Time to unbox those feelings...

If you love blockchain and decentralization because of the tremendous investment opportunities, your wheels are slowly turning over. The greedy Smeagol voice in the back of your head is asking, “Is there an AIRDROP, my preciousss???”

Yup, there’s an airdrop.

“Will the tokens have utility, my preciousss???”

Yes, definitely. They’re called GOVERNANCE tokens. They’ll be used for governing.

“Will there be staking and reward pools and market trading, my preciousss???”

Heck yeah, there will! And unlike DEC, it has the potential to increase in value (rather than stay around $1 USD).


Now, wait. There’s also the other type of person reading this. The type of person who loves blockchain and decentralization for what it can do for gaming and social interaction. They anticipate what it can do to empower the average world citizen who values freedom and asset ownership.

I imagine that such a person might also have a voice in the back of their head right now, only their voice sounds more like Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe it’s saying something like, “Okay, hold on, pal! Let’s hit rewind and unbox this plan o’ yours. You’re sayin’ that you guys are gonna let ME influence parts of the game?”

Well, yes.

“Naw, naw, naw. I mean, like...If I want to steal someone’s arm in the game...I can do that?”

Er, sorta...yes. You will have the power to create proposals, so token holders can vote. And yes, certain aspects of gameplay will fall under the umbrella of SPS governance. Not all gameplay, of course. But if you were to conceive of some sort of arm-stealing combat rule, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be considered.

“Hold the phone! So it’s like I’m helping make the game???”

In a manner of speaking, yes. Players like you will have a much stronger voice and greater influence on how the game evolves. Not just with the game itself, but also in how we incentivize 3rd party integrations or even spin-off games.

“Hell yeah! Sign me up! Let’s light the fire and put the pedal to the metal already!”

So let’s recap.

Crypto Collectors should be thrilled to take part in the launch of a new token that will leverage an extremely solid and rapidly-growing user base.

Gamers should be ecstatic at the prospect of helping to shape the future of a game they’re already passionate about in an industry that is on the verge of exploding.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what it all means. After all, there’s gonna be meta-level competitions to optimize SPS rewards, almost like another version of financial gameplay, haha. There’s the integration with Binance Smart Chain, smart contracts, player-run nodes (oracles), and exclusive future promotion opportunities!

I’m sure there will also be lots of ways to use this to promote Splinterlands to new channels and communities.

Check out for all the juicy details.

I think it’s safe to say that we just dumped gasoline on the fire.

Both Untamed and Land plots have already been flying off the shelves at a brisk pace. Now that game assets impact your airdrop share, it’s safe to assume that people are gonna go on crazy buying sprees!

I’m a little scared, haha.

I better go buy me some more cards and land!