
Irony of hardwork

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1 min read

If you ask most people how to make more money, they will tell you to work harder “Get a second job, get another shift, put in overtime.” I call this the “shotgun approach.” You spray and pray. You try everything, spread your energy across different tasks, and hope that one of them will give you the results you want. The results, like the approach, are diluted. But instead of working more hours, what if you increase the value of your hours? What if you learned to solve bigger problems for other people? What if you improved your skills and delivered more value? Bagging groceries is a very easy problem to solve almost anyone can do it. However, being a company consultant and helping in the development of successful marketing campaigns—that’s a much more difficult problem to solve. When you look at it this way, you can see how money is tied more to the value you deliver NOT the amount of work you put in. Focus on improving your skills and increasing the value you can give. Your income will follow these changes.