
Does a bear shit in the woods?

avatar of @niallon11
3 min read

What are we building if nobody can see it?

This goes back to the age old chicken/egg scenario. Which comes first. The people or the development.

Do we keep adding to the eco-system until people take notice or do we make people notice what we are building so that they can help to add more.

Growth is exponential so it only stands to reason that if we can 10x our current community then we can at least 10x the rate of development. The crypto community is full of builders and visionaries so the more that we can draw into our community then the more help that we have to bring in the next wave.

Every dev, creator, promoter ect.... helps to expand the community in one way or the other.

Devs like to think that we need more development. Creators like to think that we need more engagement. Visionaries like to think that it will just happen because the idea is there.

The reality of life is that we need balance in all things.

No visionary would be complete without devs that can realize their ideas. These ideas mean nothing if the people are not there to use it. It is not there to be used until somebody can come up with a vision to build it.

I believe in the vision of Hive.

This is belief, not blind hope.

I believe because i am here and can see how amazing that it is.

A lot of people don't know this because it has not been shown to them in the right way or ever crossed their radar.

Does a bear shit in the woods if nobody sees it?

That's the important question. does it really matter if we build all of these amazing things if nobody knows about it.

Over the past five years, the extended community here has build so many amazing things before others had even though about it. Some of the defi, communities, playtoearn, governance were visionary.

We never got that recognition though as people never knew about it.

Marketing has always been a sticking point for the community and still is.

Onboarding has always been a sticking point and still is.

Retention has always been a sticking point and still is.

These should be three of the top priorities for me before we build much more.

Master the basics before trying master the rest. We have so many apps and games here that should be getting huge recognition but people are not joining. Some join and then leave straight away.

Find the issues, analyze them and fix them. Then repeat.

I think that our builders have done great work so far with what they have built but that the focus has not always been to build the right things.

We are still waiting for that application where we can onboard our friends and start to market as a gateway to the wider eco-system.

With more users comes more interest. A higher token price. More recognition. More development. More building and then even more users.

It's creating a positive cycle but we are still doing it one user at a time. We should welcome every opportunity to increase the Hive brand in crypto circles and keep grabbing peoples attention.

We all have a stake in the game and i'm not going to be out there blindly shilling hive for the sake of the token price. I will shill it on the basis that it is my home in crypto and that i think we can build the future of web3 here with more users, devs and visionaries working towards the same goal.

It's not easy but we can all play a part in making it happen.

Unless we show people what is being built here and can bring them into the party then it will all be for nothing in the long run as other catch up and make people sit up and take notice.

We have the first movers advantage but that only lasts for so long before others make the same move.

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