
Is it fun or is it work?

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2 min read

How do you tell the difference.

Work equals income. Fun equals satisfaction.

Would that be an accurate statement?

But I remember when i achieved a goal at work that there was a lot of satisfaction in it. And sometimes my fun activity nets me income.

Maybe 50 years ago when all labour was manual and fun was for the weekends it might have been true.

Even when my parents were growing up there was a clear distinction between work and hobbies.

Work was hard, physical endeavors for the common person and fast paced intellectual work for the better educated. There were clear roles and an obvious line between what was considered a job and what you did outside of those hours.

Sports were a hobby. Games were a hobby. Writing was a hobby for most. Talking was sort of a hobby. Shopping was a sport.

Maybe a few people were able to earn from these but they were the exception to the rule.

The majority worked in factories, schools, offices. Very structured and proper.

And now you have this....

These people will all be multi millionaires.
Tey will have more money than accountants, more fame than writers, more fun than children and yet they have no jobs.

They just do things. People watch then do things. They make money for doing these things.

It's a strange new world.

Michael Collins would be turning in his grave if we tried to tell him that he fought and died so that some kid could buy and sell his teachers by playing video games online.

But here we are.

If you can't beat them, join them.

That's why we are here isn't it.

Trying to get out of the system. Get out of the offices. The rules, the wages, the conformity.

I might not like these people but I do respect them.

They have turned their fun into a job.

That is the goal.

So is hive fun or is it a job?

I think that it's both. For 90% of people it will be fun but for the top 10% it will be work.

But the fun part is that even those 90% will get a little bonus for their effort.

In the rest of the world it's 1% that can achieve this and the rest get nothing.

For me it's mostly work right now but the fact that it's fun is a huge bonus. I love what I do, and the fac that it can be turned into income is amazing. There are very few chances in life to do this so the fact that hive is giving that to anybody without a barrier to move up the ranks is almost unheard of. Here the community will be the deciding factor to success rather than a corporation with it's rules and regulations.

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