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There is no doubt in my mind that any body who is reading this article either using a lap top or a mobile device is already conversant, or at least not a stranger to the digital space, which includes all internet / online activities. The entire globe and human endeavours has been fully permeated with the online / digital phenomenon. There is hardly any type of activity in the universe that has not embraced digital solutions or at least can be attempted using digital solutions. Marketing as a human activity is not an exception in the use of digital solutions, hence the evolving of digital marketing which still operates side by side with traditional marketing, although with a serious edge over the traditional. I would like to attempt a definition of digital marketing in this piece.

What Is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing can be defined as the online and internet collective processes, assets, transactions and activities involved in presenting products and services in such a way that they are desirable and acceptable. It is a way to connect with and influence your potential customers using the online /digital facilities. The global reach of digital marketing within a very short span of time as compared to what could be achieved through traditional marketing has made it to be highly embraced by business owners and companies as an effective means of promoting their goods and services. Digital marketing channels include: • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, pinterest etc) • Website • Content marketing • Affiliate marketing • Inbound marketing

Merits of Digital Marketing ![Advantagesanddisadvantagesofdigitalmarketing.jpg] ()

  1. Global Reach: Digital marketing is known for the ability to reach a very large number of people around the globe almost at the same time. Digital marketing rides on internet / online platforms to reach a very huge number of people around the world in just a moment. Available data confirms that some of the digital platforms like YouTube, Face book etc has millions and some times billions of people signing onto them daily. Thus marketers, business owners and companies can take advantage of this wide coverage ability of digital marketing to reach their targeted audience and customers.

  2. Measurable Reach: It is very easy to measure the number of people reached through digital marketing. When marketing communications are put out on digital platforms, the number of people reached by the message can be ascertained in almost all the available platforms. Usually, most the digital platforms (e.g Facebook) identifies the targeted audience and is population even before the marketing communication is published.

  3. Interactive Communication: Through online / internet facilities digital marketing operators can interact with their target audiences. This is of immense benefit to both parties as so much could be achieved through these interactions.

  4. Measurable Feed back: Digital Marketing operators can leverage on the interactions with their target audience to get measurable feedbacks for any of their marketing communications. Every click can be easily captured. That is one of the benefits of the digital / online platforms.

  5. Quick and easy update : The interactions and feedbacks of every marketing communication help digital marketers to be always abreast and current on the trends in the market and to easily readjust and update their data and communications about their product or services. This way digital marketing will enable business owners and companies to avoid their products and services from being obsolete and outdated.

  6. Cost Advantage : Digital marketing gives the company and business owners the opportunity to save cost compared to what they will spend on tradition marketing method. Based on the huge number of people and area of coverage of a digital marketing campaign, what is spent in a digital marketing campaigns are usually low compared to reaching such a number of people through traditional marketing. Digital marketing also does not involve much logistics like transportations etc, and this reduces the costs involved in the campaigns.

  7. More Sales More Patronage : Digital marketing campaigns surely leads to more sales or patronages of the companies and businesses that employ it much more than when such companies and businesses employ any other marketing methods. Lets make this point a little practical. Take for instance a company decides to use youtube to carry out a marketing campaign, and they are able to reach over 5.bilion people ( which is average of the number of people that sign on to Youtube daily). Lets say it was only 2% of this number that responded or patronised the advert, that means over 25 million people responded to or patronised that advert. This is a huge number to be reached so easily. That is what digital marketing can do.

Digital Marketing Techniques Although the list of digital marketing tactics is always changing, the following are some of the most common techniques used by most businesses: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) You can use search engine optimization (SEO) to try to rank pages or blog posts on your site organically if you don't want to pay to be in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). You don't have to pay for every click, but getting a page to rank normally takes a long time and a lot of effort.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) You may run text advertising on Google, Bing, and Yahoo's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Paid search advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach out to people who are actively looking for a product or service similar to yours.

Paid Advertising on Social Media You may run adverts on most social media networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Paid social media advertising is excellent for raising awareness among consumers who are unfamiliar with your company, product, or service.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing PPC advertising is a broad phrase that refers to any sort of digital marketing in which you pay for each user that clicks on an ad. Google AdWords, for example, is a type of PPC advertising known as "paid search advertising" Facebook Ads are a type of PPC advertising known as "paid social media advertising".

Lets Tie it up: In this twenty first century, I don’t think anybody is still in doubt on whether the digital / online space is real or not. Internet is here with us and it has come to stay, and so also is the digital marketing phenomenon. Digital marketing has not only come to stay, but it’s gradually gaining ground and displaying so much advantage over the norms and traditional systems of marketing. Business owners and companies are fast adopting digital marketing as a more effective and cheaper means of doing their marketing communications.

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