
My Content Creation Ecosystem & (Re)Incorporating LEO

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2 min read

A huge part of establishing an identity in the digital marketplace is consistent content creation. But in today's market, I really think the typical "just make more content" advice can really dilute your efforts. You must have systems in place, formal or otherwise, to maximize your ROI. Strive for "optimal, minimal", a quote from best selling author, Tim Ferriss. It's all about finding the sweet spot where you're able to achieve maximum results from minimal effort, thus increasing efficiency, reducing stress, and keeping you in more of a "flow state".

Because of this, I have really focused on building a "content ecosystem" where the different platforms I interact with feed each other's growth. There are multiple ways one can go about executing this. Here are a few methods I'm applying instead of just posting to 1 platform on a schedule:

  1. Repurpose Content - No, I don't just mean reposting the exact same content to another platform (even though that's fine in many instances). I'm talking about sharing the same message of your content through a different medium. For example, I have been hosting a monthly Stock Club Meeting for a mastermind group I'm a part of the past year through a Zoom call. Just creating the slides and recording the webinars give me tons of content to repurpose. Screenshots from the slides for my Instagram profile, video for YouTube or Patreon (haven't transitioned to 3Speak yet), and now that I have more time for writing again, future blog posts on LEO! Many of the content creators here on LEO already do this by repurposing 3Speak videos into LEO blog posts with text that gives some extra insight into the vid.

  2. Designate A Purpose For Each Platform - Have a very clear intent on why you interact with the platforms you do. This will make your interactions much more impactful. Based on your niche or knowledge base, certain platforms will be used for marketing and branding, some networking, some actual income, and so on. In my case, IG is for marketing/branding, Patreon is for income, Telegram for current events and teaching, webinars are for teaching and branding, while LEO is currently for my own education and potential networking.

  3. Bridge Followers To Your Other Platforms - Even though some of this will come naturally by repurposing, you should make a conscious effort to funnel users to your content across multiple platforms. Another example, yesterday I released my first online introductory crypto course. It's for complete noobs to the space, just to get them familiar with the lingo and understanding the value behind the tech. So now I can use my IG, Telegram, and monthly stock meeting to promote the course, and use the course to reference LEO Finance and LeoPedia. I wouldn't promote the course here because the majority of the community is versed on blockchain, hence LEO's purpose for me being "my own education and potential networking".

It's been a while since I've posted some original content here, back since the STEEM days, so I'm still getting familiar with how the updated LEO platform functions, especially onboarding. But I'm all about financial literacy so I'm here for the ride. Now it's time to buy more LEO...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta