
Splinterlands Investment Tracker

avatar of @patrickulrich
6 min read

I've played Splinterlands since the Alpha edition but only in spurts. I kept saying that when mobile friendly versions came I would be more active but it's here and I still don't find myself playing enough. Now I'm faced with what I should do with my cards.

I debated selling them all but I've continued to come back and play so having a set of Alpha cards seems silly to get rid of if I ever want to come back to playing. That's when I finally decided to dig into PeakMonsters to get a better fell for how the rental market works.

Since then I've listed all of my cards on there for rental and have had a few move into offers. That's why I've decided to do a semi-regular tracker of my cards to see how they are performing on the market. I'm thinking of tracking how long each sits so I can adjust the price down to meet market demands. If you have any suggestions please let me know!

Total Value: $ 1,543.03 using List Prices // $ 1,027.14 using Bids Prices // $ 1,436.91 using Market Prices // 403,785 DEC

Gold Cards

Card IDCard NameEditionGoldLevelDaily FeeTermination EscrowMin/Max LengthMonthly ROIStatusSale Price
G-NWWNKDOMOWAnimated CorpseAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.56 %AVAILABLE
G-3CLXR6W06ODivine HealerAlphaGOLD Level 5 (XP 500)0.002 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 0.65 %AVAILABLE
G-Q1Y9JM753KDivine HealerAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.002 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.30 %AVAILABLE
G-EK42HCBDAORexxieAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.18 %AVAILABLE
G-FLRXC3NTTSSkeleton AssassinAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.002 USD0.02 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.82 %AVAILABLE
G-7EP5SGFYHCSpineback WolfAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.00 %AVAILABLE
G3-106-1I209G4HE8Exploding DwarfRewardGOLD Level 4 (XP 200)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 6.73 %AVAILABLE
G3-79-4W35JM5MYOHighland ArcherRewardGOLD Level 5 (XP 600)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.33 %AVAILABLE
G3-102-WBRYAZIU0GJavelin ThrowerRewardGOLD Level 3 (XP 400)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.37 %AVAILABLE
G3-94-FCIU81QZN4Naga Fire WizardRewardGOLD Level 3 (XP 400)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.50 %AVAILABLE
G3-83-BRDQ2Q9NC0Sea GenieRewardGOLD Level 5 (XP 400)0.002 USD0.02 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 5.38 %AVAILABLE
G3-86-19GCNOZOHCVampireRewardGOLD Level 6 (XP 800)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.60 %AVAILABLE
G3-90-LBM5XJ6SKGWood NymphRewardGOLD Level 4 (XP 200)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 6.60 %AVAILABLE
G-OK6Q7R6EPCAlric StormbringerAlphaGOLD Level 3 (XP 500)0.007 USD0.07 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 0.82 %RENTED
G-XEL9F6W5DSGoblin ShamanAlphaGOLD Level 4 (XP 250)0.001 USD0 USD15 / 90 daysROI: 1.02 %RENTED
G-CN1ULJAA80Stone GolemAlphaGOLD Level 3 (XP 500)0.005 USD0.05 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.33 %RENTED
G-YTUHNS56DSStonesplitter OrcAlphaGOLD Level 3 (XP 500)0.005 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.60 %RENTED

Regular Cards

Card IDCard NameEditionGoldLevelDaily FeeTermination EscrowMin/Max LengthMonthly ROIStatusSale Price
C-EJGNQ1XQ68Angel of LightAlpha0 Level 3 (XP 3000)0.01 USD0.1 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.77 %AVAILABLE
C-2GFZTO2KHSCerberusAlpha0 Level 6 (XP 2600)0.02 USD0 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 4.89 %AVAILABLE
C-FM1G9577WWChromatic DragonAlpha0 Level 1 (XP 0)0.002 USD0.015 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.57 %AVAILABLE
C-BJDBU64EWWDefender of TruthAlpha0 Level 5 (XP 5500)0.025 USD0.05 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 2.11 %AVAILABLE
C-03XRAZZYV4Fire DemonAlpha0 Level 3 (XP 1250)0.01 USD0.01 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 3.54 %AVAILABLE
C-2SK6BCKHOGFrost GiantAlpha0 Level 2 (XP 1000)0.01 USD0.1 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 3.59 %AVAILABLE
C-7NVZRU89G0Giant RocAlpha0 Level 7 (XP 2080)0.02 USD0 USD7 / 30 daysROI: 6.28 %AVAILABLE
C-06PFLDIC7KGoblin ShamanAlpha0 Level 6 (XP 1260)0.01 USD0 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 8.08 %AVAILABLE
C-HVN29BS6G0Gold DragonAlpha0 Level 1 (XP 0)0.002 USD0.02 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 0.50 %AVAILABLE
C-304F46QF5CLightning DragonAlpha0 Level 4 (XP 7000)0.02 USD0.2 USD21 / 30 daysROI: 1.71 %AVAILABLE
C-31X9DRETQ8Magi of the ForestAlpha0 Level 3 (XP 1500)0.02 USD0.02 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 6.55 %AVAILABLE
C-736WY1CIM8Mischievous MermaidAlpha0 Level 4 (XP 1750)0.015 USD0.01 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 2.84 %AVAILABLE
C-5SWENGTOY8Naga WarriorAlpha0 Level 4 (XP 2750)0.01 USD0.01 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 2.26 %AVAILABLE
C-HZQKZTKFK0Serpent of the FlameAlpha0 Level 5 (XP 5250)0.03 USD0.03 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 3.20 %AVAILABLE
C-6H6CIYKRJKSpirit of the ForestAlpha0 Level 4 (XP 7000)0.08 USD0.8 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 3.11 %AVAILABLE
C-W3V75WCYRKSwamp ThingAlpha0 Level 5 (XP 4250)0.05 USD0.05 USD1 / 30 daysROI: 6.52 %AVAILABLE
C3-108-OE5TZMEN4GBlack DragonReward0 Level 1 (XP 0)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 3.57 %AVAILABLE
C3-82-OSVOMNAH9CLord ArianthusReward0 Level 1 (XP 750)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 0.37 %AVAILABLE
C3-98-G2C14V4UGWRuler of the SeasReward0 Level 1 (XP 0)0.002 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.79 %AVAILABLE
C3-89-UTY35ML2SGSacred UnicornReward0 Level 1 (XP 0)0.001 USD0.01 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.14 %AVAILABLE
C-92DJ32D4PSElemental PhoenixAlpha0 Level 2 (XP 2000)0.02 USD0.2 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 1.99 %RENTED
C-5U87OC43DCLord of DarknessAlpha0 Level 3 (XP 3000)0.02 USD0.2 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.11 %RENTED
C-GNUY96Z6N4Malric InfernoAlpha0 Level 6 (XP 2500)0.02 USD0 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.79 %RENTED
C-A6TPNKAPV4Selenia SkyAlpha0 Level 4 (XP 7000)0.1 USD0.5 USD14 / 30 daysROI: 2.03 %RENTED

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