
Are central banks shorting Bitcoin to keep it down?

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2 min read

Gregory Mannarino

He is one of the writers on this platform, and has a podcast which I occasionally listen to via Youtube, and has a very distinguished opinion about the markets, and especially about the actions of the central banks. And on his podcast of July 1st he hinted to something that kept lingering in the back of my mind.

As the central banks are not contracting their balance sheet as they promised, and according to Gregory Mannarino they are deliberately buying up the US 10 year yield bonds, to keep it from spinning out of control. He also hinted that the price of Bitcoin is also manipulated by the Federal Reserve.

Now, I must be honest, I am a conspiracy theorist, especially when it comes to certain subjects, like 9/11. I had not thought of this scenario before. But in my opinion, this could be really happening. And if you think of it, shorting Bitcoin, would cost the Federal Reserve substantially less, than what they are doing with the bond market the last 15 years. So, in my opinion, Gregory could be entirely correct. And, that is, again in my opinion, the reason why Bitcoin got so tied with the stock markets, as did the whole crypto market.

What do you think?

Is the FED trying to hold Bitcoin down, to suppress the interest in the decentralized currencies? Are they trying to push people out of it, to get their own digital currency promoted instead, which will eventually come, there is no doubt about that. And what can we do about it? Except just HODL? Is the Bitcoin and crypto community strong enough to withstand the pressure from the central banks? All questions that are very relevant.



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