
LPUD: It Impacts On Leo Token

avatar of @peniel2010
3 min read

There has been a lot of talk about the Leo token market value recently, users who know what Leo's market value was some years ago have indeed expressed concern , many were even short of expression as to why it values as decreased in today's market.

Leo token was said to be one biggest token on hive Blockchain at a point , even though the community value keeps on rising on daily basis due to the level of structure put in place , but as time goes on the value of #leo token keeps on going down

There have been thousands of comparisons between the Leofinance of then and now, with so many individuals still giving their views as to what really went wrong.

Leo token was said to be trading at some highest value some years ago, with the community token bigger than #hive in value, research also has it that, at a time the price of Leo token was equivalent to hive before it fell completely.

Today, #hive is far above the token with a wide gap, most Individual fault it falls to the level of how it was constantly dropped by user's in the market, it was stated that some users don't really care what the market is saying as they are willing to sell at any rate. at a point.

Leo token Price fall, how did it started?

Numerous things actually affected the market value of the Leo token, and base on my research I was able to ascertain that three-major factors actually contributed to it decrease in market value.

User's Negligence

Among all things that as contributed to the fall in price of Leo token in general, user's attitude towards the community token sincerely plays a major role in what we are facing today, the rate of unbelief and low staking quality in the token at a point really exposed the token to lot of deprecation in the market, stats has it that, the rate of supply in the market at a time was bigger than demand, so user's let off their token irrespective of the market value.

The Bear season

As all crypto tokens do experience this, it has a massive effect on the price of the Leo token too , giving it user's less believe to hold, the fear of bear season actually led to so many user's dumping what they are holding as an avenue to cut their loses. Even until now, the bear season is still hitting the market with so many tokens struggling until now.

Earn and Run User's

Their are so many individuals on #leofinance community and with time i will definitely be expressing concern about the different types of individuals in the community, it was established that some #earn and #run users actually contributed to the fall of Leo token price, because this set of individuals don't have faith in hive structures and all they do is to earn Leo token on contents or comments and quickly run to to exchange for hive and sell.

The Emergence Of Leo power up day (LPUD)

Much as being said about the #lpud recently, and it monthly double figure when it comes to #staking of Leo token too can't be ignored, one of the best measures taken by the community is the introduction of this initiative and since it establishment it has indeed helped in the holding of Leo token.

It's not all about the prize tag attached to the initiative at all, but there have being adequate sensitization as to it importance, today a lot as changed when it comes to staking of Leo token and despite it availability in the market, users's no longer sell their token anyhow.

The Leo power up day is definitely a game changer, with other interesting initiative introduced in the community, their is definitely more hope and trust in the Leo token today.

Despite the bear crises recently, user's still hold the token without looking at the bear season, the #lpud as indeed tell us that the Leo token is certainly an investment that has future benefits , even though we are not yet at the desire price we all hope for, but with the look of things the Leo token will definitely rise and reclaim it old value and even break records in the crypto market.

Always be part of the community project by buying, holding and staking of Leo token.

Thanks for reading

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta