
Proof of Anarchy - Attend Anarchovid for FREE!

avatar of @phusionphil
2 min read

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You will get a free ticket if you are in the first 10,000 users to sign up for Anarchovid.

We are proud to announce that our second Anarchovid Virtual Summit will be taking place this August for FREE!

We are taking back our power from the corrupt system. Featuring talented and knowledgable doctors, nurses, activists, poets and artists from around the world who are standing up in the fight against medical tyranny and the corrupt systems who seek to control the human population.

Speakers in Attendance

Dean Ryan

Dr. Carrie Madej

Talia Likeitis

Alex H. (Alex_Speaks_Freely)

Dr. Ben Tapper

Todd Cave

Sri & Kira

The Healing Hipppie

Dr. Toby Rogers

Macy Tomlin

Arielle Friedman

Dr. Natalie Dyer

Terry Tillaart

Dr. Nirdosh Kohra

Benny Wills



Max Igan - @maxigan is on HIVE!!!

Mike Adams

Erin Edwards

David James Rodriguez

Henna Maria

Justin Harvey

Josh Sigurdson - @joshsigurdson is on HIVE!!!

If I missed anyone on HIVE let me know in the comments. I think it is really cool to see this social network gain traction in the right kind of communities.

If you're unaware the host of the event (assuming its Jeff) is the @tdvtv / @dollarvigilante who has been on the hive for years... 27,000 + followers he introduced to steem in one way or another.

Lets ALL attend this event and fill the free seats with valuable opinions from the best economy in the world, the decentralized autonomous blockchain free market. - LETS GO!!!

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