
The law of the jungle that applies to wealth

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2 min read

When we observe the dynamics or way in which financial markets (cryptos, shares, commodities, and more) unfold, we notice (if we are attentive) a very particular pattern: That, in terms of economy and wealth, the same principles apply as in the jungle.


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The law of the strongest

Just like in the jungle, only the strongest and most capable animals survive, in economies and markets only those who truly have strength, who truly are fit, survive and achieve wealth. Only the strongest can be rich, but in what sense are they strong?

Do they invest more money and that is why they are stronger? None of that, because when we talk about the strongest, we are not talking about whales or anything like that, because whales are already strong and rich in themselves, and therefore, they don't have to be more than they already are, that is Whales. The fact is that I am talking here about those who achieve wealth after having started with little capital.

But what kind of strength or force must be developed in order to achieve economic wealth from having little capital? It's a question that it might has a very broad answer, but in the end, it's all about persistence. Persistence to learn everything that needs to be learned to achieve success, persistence to never give up efforts, and the ability to adapt.

The strongest achieve wealth because they are, what in traditional slang we call, stubborn and stubborn. They are the type of people who never give up on their goals, no matter how twisted the road seems to be and no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem to achieve success at certain times.


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Strength is not measured by the amount of money you have

And I repeat the idea to make it clear: strength is not measured by the amount of money you have or do not have, but by your character, because it is character that will allow you to be persistent in achieving your goals. Only the strongest are capable of understanding that in terms of economy and wealth, any legit effort is worth it to achieve the long-awaited goals.

Those who display that special kind of strength will end up being the millionaires of the future, because whether it's in cryptocurrencies, or commodities, or stocks, or whatever we come up with, the law of the jungle will prevail, and as such, only the strongest they will survive. and they will achieve their goals; the others... The others will fail.

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