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2 min read

Culture is dynamic as we all know. In the Western World, culture is often associated with such things as good breeding and finesse in human relations; an educated condition; sculpture, literature, etc. In Africa, culture is know as the way of life of our four father's. Some of this traditional activities includes; Traditional dance, museum objects, counsel of tradition rulers, burial rites, etc.

According to Sir Edward Burnett Tylor in 1871, Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customer and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society. Also in 1964, Ward Good defined it to be whatever one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to it's members and do so in any role that accept for anyone of themselves.

What makes culture peculiar?
(1) Culture is integrated; meaning it's has various element and components which complement each other.

(2) Culture is dynamic; meaning it's undergoes modification. We can as well agree the way things where being done in the 80s not same today.

(3) Culture is shared; meaning it's can undergo adoption by someone sharing is or belief or culture.

(4) Culture is learned; people can learn ones culture by socialization or enculturation.

(5) culture is both material and non- material; Things we see can be part of our culture. E.g the way the cooking pot looks like, a wedding ring for a wedding. Also non- material, Education one get from different terrain based on the culture of that place. Chemistry, Nigerian history, the United Kingdom history etc.

Culture makes the world a better place because we can learn a lot for different people at different time. Culture brings love and Harmony.