
Splinterlands : How the Riftwatcher presale will be different from previous presales.

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Splinterlands : How the Riftwatcher presale will be different from previous presales.

Splinterland's mini set is now finally here and if I am not wrong it will be the fourth presale by Splinterland's within a year (365 day period from today) and previous presales were included the presale of Chaos Legion, Waka Spiritblade and Node License presale. Another presale that is lined up just after Riftwatcher presale start is SPLTD (Splinterland's Tower defense game) and I guess having 2 presale starting on same month is really a very aggressive move and player should get a breather.


Many players are wondering whether they should go for Riftwatchers presale or not because if we analyze it with Chaos Legion presale , Chaos legion promo card (Doctor Blight) did not hold it's value very well in long term. Same happen with Wake Spritblade card too.

As far as Waka Spiritblade go , I guess it does not proved as strong summoner at top level league and lower league player has no requirement to invest in max level summoner. I still find my Waka Spiritblade as useful summoner (but I am playing in Gold League.)

In Chaos Legion presale, players are required to use the VOUCHERs in the presale and at that time I guess VOUCHERS were trading at price of above $20 and it make cost of each CHAOS packs in upward of $20 that is now just available for $4 in general sale. And players paid that high price to get the promo cards and the titles.

But things is now changed in Riftwatchers as VOUCHERs are still under $1 and Voucher will be required even buying Riftwatchers at general sale , so it look users might be getting lot of benefits if they buy 1000 packs in presale.

players will be GUARANTEED a promo card for every 50 packs purchased in the presale, and will be guaranteed a gold foil promo card for every 1000 packs purchased!

In addition to the promo card, for every 1000 packs purchased during the presale players will receive a custom in-game title of "The Watcher".

On top of it if one buy 1000 packs, it make one eligible for 150 bonus Riftwatchers packs by just paying 150 Vouchers.

So 650 Vouchers is less than $600 at the time of writing the post and this $600 will give you 23 guaranteed regular foil promo card, 1 guaranteed gold foil promo cards. If one sell it bonus packs even at $3 , one can get back $450 back , so it make now all bonuses for just $150.

Remember VOUCHERS are still needed to buy Riftwatchers after presale and if VOUCHER stays back at above 15 cents (VOUCHER ATL is 39 cents) , then all the promo are literally free and the plyers participated in presale have access to all future coming airdrops.

So what the catch.

1000 Riftwatchers pack require $5000 in investment and I guess this is a big amount of money for many of us. Due to lack of fund , I will be also not able to participating in it but what I see currently , this is the best presale to be in if you are buying 1000 packs.

More about this presale ca be read at Official post

My other post in Splinterlands.

Splinterverse (Splinterlands Metaverse) : A comprehensive ecosystem for everyone to earn.

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Splinterland's : Can I Survive on my Splinterland's earnings.

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Analyzing the CHAOS packs

Splinterlands: Starting on SPS:DEC pool, is it really profitable?

Splinterland's Pool : Thinking like a trader vs investor.

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.

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