
Ragnarok artwork updates

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Greetings, heroes, and gods of the Hive and Ragnarok community!

This post reports how the work related to the art of the Ragnarok game is progressing. We have been working tirelessly to develop strategies that will allow us to create high-quality art for this game through a rigorous research, analysis, and evaluation process.

We have tested different technologies related to AI to make the art of the game's characters effective and then improve it with other programs and digital art techniques.

Other elements, such as the frames for the new cards, have been produced from scratch with creative work.

We have been experimenting with different styles and techniques to find the one that best suits the game. To achieve this, we have experimented with different configurations to generate the AI artwork. We have also been looking for references and inspiration to guide our work.

We are making great progress and are excited to continue generating new and unique art for the game.

Regarding the progress of the art about the Ragnarok game, significant progress has been made in recent weeks. It is estimated that 40% of progress has been made on the art related to the game's characters. This progress is due to the combination of AI art generation and the experience and skill of digital artists.

What process do we currently have?

  • To create the fastest artwork, we created a simple workflow:

  • Data preparation: Collect and prepare a large amount of previously made art by an artist and images related to the desired art (Inspired by Norse mythology).

  • AI model training: Use machine learning techniques to train a descriptive model to produce a specification base for the bot.

  • AI art generation: Employ the base model to generate art based on the desired specifications.

  • Review and selection of generated artwork: Review and select the best artwork generated by the AI model so graphic artists can improve it.

  • Photoshop retouching and digital drawing boards: Use image editing tools such as Photoshop to retouch and refine the generated artwork to ensure it meets the required standards and quality.

AI art generation is an efficient and fast process that allows us to generate a large amount of art quickly and with little budget, compared to hiring a digital artist to make each art.

However, it is important to carefully check and select the generated art to ensure it meets the standards and quality we want for this first stage of the Ragnarok game. In this sense, Photoshop editing, together with digital artists, will adjust all the necessary details to ensure the final quality of the art.

We share with you some art prototypes, in the next publication we will give more details.

The Alpha test is still live. You can join our Discord and participate.

You can read more about Ragnarok here.

Ragnarok is engulfing all realms, and no mythology is safe. This means you will have Norse, Greek, Egyptian, etc. Ragnarok will be a highly competitive game! It involves chess, poker, and PvP elements!







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