
Decentralized Shower Thoughts || The Year is 25xx And The World Is At Peak Decentralization

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2 min read

They year is 25xx. Some of us are still alive due to cybernetic human advancements and possible massive leaps in biomedical sciences. Or maybe there's finally a solution to get people out of cryo-sleep. The first or second digital world war has just finished with a lot of digital casualties, many accounts ruined and or deleted. President Bieber has just issued a ceasefire and a period of decentralized peace is upon us yet again. These are all possibilities of how the future might turn out. Or at least how it plays out in some of my shower thoughts.

After the digital skirmish, everyone wakes up in the morning to eat breakfast of their cyborg equivalent action, and then they sit in their chair or go lie down, ready to plug into the metaverse, either to interact with others as they usually do, or to enter a simulation of work or vacation perhaps. Not many people will really be working, since automated decentralized technology has replaced just about everything.

But then how will people live, and how do they get currency? Interesting question to think about. Maybe currency is much different at that point then how we know it today. There's that one dystopian future film that shows people using time as a currency. But in that scenario the rich have literally been segregated from the poor in different levels. The film doesn't go into how those rich really got their riches in the form of millions of time units.

Maybe by then cryptocurrency will have evolved into something more than just a form of investing to gain more and more fiat. In that case we will see a slight shift in the way wealth is viewed as the early blockchain adopters will have significantly more power than the economical powers we know today.

If digital decentralized wars are being fought, this would mean that brains would be much more valuable than muscles in those kinds of situations, or at least the balance would shift. If mentality of humanity were to change, maybe concepts like war and economy would even be strange topics to us, as the need for those primitive things would not be there anymore.

Take Hive for example. The mentality in this decentralized "futuristic" space is much better than with its centralized competitors. This could be the blueprint for how even more advanced in technology could influence our collective thought process.

Where do you think you'll be in 400+ years? And will blockchain play a role in that time?

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