
CoinGeckoCon NFT: Got An Abstrax NFT Listed For 2ETH For Free

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2 min read

If you have been reading my blog Journey on getting free NFTs for buying Coingecko Con NFT ticket, well am here to update you on some mind blowing thing that happened today.

Ever since I nearly missed my first coingecko NFT sent to my email because I wasn’t checking my email, I have made it an hourly habbit to always check my email. Especially Coingecko’s email. This morning while checking my email I got an instant email from coin gecko telling me to claim a free Abstract Art NFT by GenArt.Ai .

The GenArt.Ai NFT arts contain a collection of geometric abstraction art. They are really beautiful. While reading about the art, I got to a point where I saw “They are only 6,500 NFTs available, claim yours, it’s on first come first serve NFT”. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the NFT is limited to just 6,500 holders. The only people eligible for minting this NFT are the people that bought the Coingecko Con ticket especially the early birders.

The minting fee will be covered by the artist and it is minted on the polygon blockchain. But it’s listed on opensea market place. I have never used the opensea market place before because the interface is a little not user friendly in my opinion. But I had no choice i have to learn how the opensea works. I clicked on claim free NFT. And it took minutes. Haven’t minted NFT before so I was a little bit confused on what to do.

It was taking a lot of time to mint, but it finally minted. I felt excited because I have always wanted to have an NFT on opensea.

I minted and got this NFT, this NFT is really unique and it’s the #48, I think it means I was the 48 person to mint the 48th Abstrax NFT.

I checked the market place and saw that people have already started listing theirs. The floor price is 0.03 ETH that’s $132. And the highest bid is 12 ETH($52,800), this is amazing, am going to be leaving mine for a long time to see what the value will be.

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