
Differentiating Between Leo, bLeo and WLEO

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2 min read

Leofinance is one of the greatest communities on Hive with great projects the team is always working so hard that they want to make Hive adopted by almost every one involved in cryptocurrency. There are lots of project by Leofinance that am still exploring because I believe in learning and am sure I have not known up to half of what Leofinance is.

Although right now cubdefi is my best project by Leofinance. This is because of the earning I have been earning using both the cake and the cub kingdom vaults. I have accumulated a lot of cake due to its auto-compounding feature. I look at my cake and I smile because the quantity keeps increasing all the time. It’s exciting to see the value of token and the quantity of your token get increased.

The first time I joined the Leofinance community, I was seeing a lot of Leos like the Leo token, bLeo and WLEO. I didn’t want to try and know what they were at the initial stage because I didn’t want to get my head mixed up.

It’s basic knowledge that when you blog through the Leofinance front end, you earn Leo tokens or use the Leofinance tag. This token is the curation or author rewards from the Leofinance community. The beauty of the Leo token is that it can be used as a bridge on other blockchains. That’s like bringing Hive blockchain into other blockchains.

There are two blockchain you can Introduce Leo in the wrap form and that’s the Ethereum blockchain and the Binance Smart Chain.

You know you can’t use bitcoin on the Ethereum blockchain natively. It won’t work because the blockchains are different.

In my opinion I will consider wrapped token or wrapping token as the act of pegging a different token from another blockchain to that of a different blockchain so it can have the characteristics of the new blockchain.

From this explanation you will understand that WLEO and bLeo are Leo tokens wrapped for other blockchains. The WLEO is a Leo token on the Ethereum blockchain to have the ERC-20 standards. When you wrap the Leo token into WLEO you can use it on any Defi exchanges and makes use of their futures on the Ethereum blockchain network.

This also goes for the bLeo but instead of the Ethereum blockchain network is for the Binance Smart Chain network. So this is wrapping the Leo token to having a BEP-20 Standard.

Don’t be scared, you can always unwrap your bLeo and WLEO back to Leo whenever you want to.

So in a nutshell the difference between Leo, bLeo and WLEO is the blockchain difference. Leo is the layer 2 token(Hive engine token) on the Hive blockchain, bLeo is the wrapped Leo on the Binance Smart Chain Network and the WLEO is the wrapped Leo token on the Ethereum blockchain network.

I hope this helps simplifies what they are to you. Thank you for reading

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