
If OnlyFans Content Creators Can Move To Hive’s Dporn

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2 min read

Are you conversant with onlyfans, onlyfans is a platform that gives fans exclusive access to their favorite content creator, it could be an artist or a musician. They pay subscription money monthly to get access. But mostly, pornographic content creators are the real money makers on onlyfans. People prefer and love pornographic contents more and spend a lot to view pornographic contents on onlyfans.

Few days ago onlyfans decided to ban pornographic content creators from their platform. Because of the banking issues they have processing payments. But the pornographic content is what gives onlyfans most of revenue as people are willing to pay a lot to view erotic contents on onlyfans.

Pornhub was faced with similar challenge in the past and they resulted to using cryptocurrency. This is supposed to be the reasonable step to follow. Lots of pornographic content creators have converted onlyfans to a full time job and their major or only source of living. They claim that onlyfans will only accept pornographic content if it goes along with their policy set up. This is the problem you experience when using a centralized platform, you get restricted a lot.

Well they don’t know about hive and it’s erotic community called Dporn This is a pornographic community that is completely decentralized, where pornographic content creators create their pornographic content and get curated. Matter of fact this is going to be a win-win situation for the both parties. On onlyfans, the content creators only gets rewarded for their service but on dporn both the content creator and the curator(the person who upvotes your content) get rewarded. On Dporn they don’t any bank approval to receive their money, you can withdraw your money through Hive.

This is one of the only adult platforms built on a blockchain and the best time to take this opportunity is now.

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