
The New Rewards Legendary Cards: DJINN BILJKA + HARKLAW & DJINN OSHANNUS

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Dawn of the Djinn 1 of 4 - The Thousand Year War before the Splintering never really ended. Dozens of Belludae (ancient demons of war) officers had been taken prisoner, but their fates had yet to be decided. Belludae sorcerers of such a high degree were notoriously difficult to kill, so other plans had to be made.

The most powerful and oldest of the Belludae could not simply be killed by any physical means. They are able to change forms and escape nearly any situation. Just a few years before the Splintering, an Efreet magical discovery made it possible for Belludae souls to be captured from unmoving Belludae bodies. The trick is to trap the Demon in an item of value. Some of the Belludae elite were placed in jeweled flasks, while others were locked in chests. They were trapped in lamps, vases, ornate boxes and urns. All these objects, once sealed, were placed in a secure vault underground, and a few weeks later, the Splintering happened. A massive schism split the vault into pieces, warping and dividing the land and carrying the Belludae soul containers to different locations. There the containers rested for nearly 900 years.


Harklaw has achieved the highest degree of Dark Eternal existence in this realm. For many years it has been ready to cross over to the dark reality, but it has graciously stayed behind. Such is the tradition with the greatest Dark Eternal sorcerers of all time to help with the conversion and advancement of others.

Little does the Lord of Darkness know that Harklaw stays behind not to help his fellow Dark to oneness, but to pursue selfish and secret goals. Harklaw has already won the loyalty of some of the Dark Lord’s closest confidants, and together they are concocting a scheme to dethrone him forever.


Dawn of the Djinn 3 of 4 - The Djinn are angry at the way they were tricked by the Planet, but also appreciative that they can now enjoy this limited freedom, each trapped by natural forces. The Djinn possess powerful ancient magic of their own, which is now charged into the force of one element for each of them. The ancient demons of war are an awkward bunch to be chosen as a planetary defensive force, but they are also impressively capable of the job. As long as they are bound by the Planet, they will do its bidding. Whatever their would-be choices and allegiances, they will fight against the Chaos Legion to protect the sixth mana gate.

Yesterday the Splinterlands community seen a wide range of new Reward Cards introduced to the game. In fact 21 new cards have now been introduced. Among these new cards are three Legendary Cards (DJINN BILJKA + HARKLAW & DJINN OSHANNUS). All three are amazing cards and are currently selling from $44-$58 USD on the Splinterlands market. Their images and current sales information can be seeen screenshoted below. Let me know in the comment sections which one is your favorite. The above lore has been taken from the official Splinterlands site.

Splinterlands Card MarketCap


What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is an online blockchain game built on the Hive Network. It utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's and other in game assets are tradable and have real monetary value. Click here to play or to invest in Splinterlands today. Play for free or pay $10 usd and start earning today!

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