
To Post Finance Content to POB or LEO?

avatar of @revisesociology
2 min read

I have a pretty systematic approach to writing on Hive and the Tribes - I have themes I write to and I generally cycle between them - not with religious rigour as I mix up the order quite a lot - but I do tend to cycle between:

  • Life and Land updates
  • Marco economic stuff
  • Defi reviews
  • Alt coin research
  • The Eco-Train and Abundance Tribe weekly/ bi-weekly questions
  • Splinterlands weekly challenge

Besides chucking in the odd random post especially with @revise.leo and @revise.pob and the occasional Splinterlands post by @revise.spt

Because my main theme of writing these days is 'alternative economics' (for want of a better phrase of category) I tend to post about half of my content through the @leofinance front end, and having bought in early and amassed quite a decent LEO stake, and the fact that I've piled in HARD to CubDefi I kind of feel loyal to that tribe.

However, I also use the proofofbrain tag on nearly all of my finance content as it fits well in there too.

I'm now wondering if I should maybe use the POB front end more....

I just analysed my author rewards across my different accounts in different tribes...

It's not a perfect analysis as Hive-Engine Explorer only gives you the rewards for all tribes, but a quick trawl through the wallets on the different front ends (manual trawl) is enough to give me an IDEA of what rewards I received in the last month for each Tribe, as below....


Trumps @revise.leo for author rewards!

My POB earnings are looking GOOD...

And I've got to admit my loyalty to LEO isn't feeling strong enough to post this through @leofinance - and here's why....

A month's worth of data suggests one is rewarded more for using the POB front end compared to the LEO front end, my revise.pob and revise.leo accounts are comparable in terms of what I churn out.

And given that I earn equal amounts of POB already on the mother account, this account, this suggests the POB front end may be the place to post more Finance related content?

I mean one simple fact alone makes me think it's worth migrating to POB - I CAN'T STANDS THE IRONY OF BEING REWARDED LESS ON LEO FOR FINANCE CONTENT THAN ON POB!

I guess it's worth a trial one to see what the POB posting can yield me?!?

And that's to say nothing of curation returns on POB, they are INSANE!

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