
splinterlands daily swearfest - day 14 - earth splinter

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2 min read

starting points 2439 - ending points 2436 (lol - took it in the ass with a loss for the day )

trying a few early matches - lost the first low mana garbage match before even getting started

fuck me = only 2 days left in the season and i haven't even made it to gold 1 yet - fucking bullshit

today must be 'low mana' garbage day

got a lucky streak going and made it gold 1 - anndddd then i lost to a bunch of all level 1's

i can't fucking believe this shit some days

hmmm , earth for the daily - haven't had earth splinter quest for a bit

win 1 - lose 1 (to fucking level 1's again !!!)

i'm not gonna make it to fucking diamond if i keep losing

win 2 - lose 1 to some fucking high level asshole - necer fucking fails

GODFUCKINGDAMIT !!! - another fucking loss to a bunch of fucking level 1 cards

looks like another of splinterland bullshit

theres the 3 in a row fucked up losing streak - right back to fucking gold 2 i go


so much for making it to diamond this season = i'm getting fucked 10 ways from sunday today

FUCK - here comes some asshole 'explorer' - just isn't going to be day

taking a fucking break from this shit

back from break - right in to the high-level heavy hitters

i hate getting fucked on the last couple days of the season

annnddd the losing streak fucking continues

now for the shitty low mana bullshit and network problems - MOTHERFUCKING GARBAGE FUCKING BULLSHIT

well - got fucked out of that one - shitty fucking network problem -

that's another 3 in a row got fucked in the ass for the day

nevermind - network took a shit - AGAIN - that's 100 fucking pissed away for I can't count how many fucking times this season

pissed away 5 in row - that one was to lower level cards - what a shitty fucking day

fuckking horrible

now i'm losing to just 1 fucking card - ROFLMAO - what a dogshit day

1 was 100 points ahead until the shitty network errors started - now i have less fucking points than when i started

another fucking ridiculous day

i hope those garbage cards are worth something

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