
How do Hackers actually Hack? Find out

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2 min read

How do Hackers actually Hack?

Let's find out ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

What is Hacking

Hacking is unauthorized access to or control of computer network security systems for illegal purposes.

Hacking requires a complete understanding of a computer security system.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

A hacker can be simply described as someone who can breach a computer system and network because they can exploit and detect the vulnerability of that security system or network.

Hacking seems really difficult for people and that's because they don't have a real understanding of computer science, but the truth is that anyone can hack.

Video by Simplilearn


There are different ways to hack, but the simplest is to inject a virus into the target system, and this can be done by emailing the virus. The target will not see or notice the virus.

Now, this virus is designed to send information from the target device (computer or phone) to the hacker.


A virus is malicious software that can replicate itself by modifying another computer program and inserting its own code. There are different types of viruses and the type you need to hack is SPYWARE

A SPYWARE is a software that aims to collect information about a person or organization through their device (computer or phone) and sends information over the Internet to send the user.

Spyware is simply written code that behaves like a program on a device (computer or phone). Spyware is not superior to database security software, but spyware is espionage that can be designed to be how a program behaves that protects security. The software might not look like a treat. Because of this, anything can be hacked, all the hacker needs to do is find a loophole in the security software.

The best way to prevent hackers is to regularly check your devices for changes.

As I said above, spyware is designed to behave like a program and can cause a minor change in device performance. However, the change will be noticeable, but most of the time people don't really notice, and that's, resulting in a hack.

Another way to avoid a hack is to completely avoid opening mail from an unknown user. You never know who might want to hack you, when they might want to hack it, or why they might want to hack it.

Hackers sometimes hack for fun, sometimes for money, and mostly for selfish interest

Thanks for Reading, More to come on hacking, stay tuned

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