
Episode 16: Let's Talk MANTRA (NFT, Launchpad, DeFi & DAO)

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3 min read

The present stage of decentralized system needs a better understanding of the function of a protocol before you invest in its application. Blockchain technology brought to us different solutions and as the year pass by improvement as being the focus of early adopters and developers. Mondays as always, been a moment Africa Sherpas (MANTRA DAO Africa community member) gather together to learn about what's new in the decentralized finance world and cryptocurrency in general. This week was centered on Polkapet, Launchpad, Solution as a Sherpa, and general overview of MANTRA DAO DeFi Features..


In Febrary 5th, 2021, MANTRA DAO joined the world of PolkaPets with her unique PolkaPet NFT. This NFT represents the company's ethos and personality in a collectible creature form. A clear understanding revealed that PolkaPet is the first digital collective card game that features Polkadot projects in a fun, interactive, and immersive way! MANTRA DAO as a community governed platform and know for its interactive and engaging community members venture into the world of NFTs to bring together many projects on Polkadot. Read More here⬇️


MANTRA DAO been a decentralized autonomous organization, governance and voting is an open engagement through the soft governance platform and the last proposal voted upon was about name for Launchpad and concluded to be ZENDIT!🕉🚀

ZENDIT will allow a variety of promising projects in the crypto space to offer their tokens in private and public offerings to those interested in participating. $OM🕉 token holders will also gain priority access to MANTRA Sherpa pools.

The underlisted Reveals The Why of LaunchPad

✔️Large community of users holding OM tokens and using a multitude MANTRA DAO products.

✔️Projects listed on ZENDIT will be carefully curated by the MANTRA DAO council before being approved.

✔️Participate alongside MANTRA DAO.

✔️Will Support multichain projects launching non-ERC-20 tokens in addition to ERC-20 token projects.

✔️ Multi-chain support - scalable layer 2 solution integrations to be announced

✔️Integration to MANTRA DAO NFT program & access to Launchpad specific MANTRA DAO NFTs
Read More Here: During our previous Episode, we discussed about MANTRA DAO partnership with LEPRICON, a project ready to unlock and realise the potential of NFTs and gaming in blockchain through a platform for gamified DeFi dApps with a core focus on the user experience which open up DeFi to a larger and more engaged audience.
MANTRA DAO has started March Madness as wasting any time off there record with information provided March 1st revealing Lepricon as one of the first incredible projects that will be preparing to launch their tokens on ZENDIT. Token Offering Details Token Ticker: $L3P Token Offering Date: March 15th at 1 pm UTC.📅 ⬇️ Read official announcement ⬇️

In conclusion, the Episode 16 of Let's Talk MANTRA ended with Becoming A Sherpa which is an Ambassador slot for every community members and its actually a system that reward Sherpa community to the ecosystem. Anyone can join and start getting reward. Apply here If you need any requirement for quick approval, notify on this post or chat me Remember, every Monday is our day to discuss using Telegram chat or Zoom as the case may be and the participant learn and earn $OM at the end of every Episode. Congratulations 👏 to this winners, $10 each will be send to your ERC20 Wallet!

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