
Plant Your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air by Dr. Janet Lapp | Book Summary and Review!

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2 min read

This is a book I don't know where I got it from, but I decided to give a read through last night. With the title of the book I originally thought it was more self-help leaning, but this book concentrated on business changes. The book is published around 2013 so it's an interesting read more on the reflection of the past and how ideas have aged than for the practical advice. If you had followed some of the suggestions given in this book in 2013 I think it would have benefitted your company. My main complaint with the book is I think it tries to tie into to many passing examples instead of digging deeper into a couple solid ones, there are definitely a good deal of examples that didn't age well. There are some interesting quotes to think about throughout the book as well. The aspect of the book that focuses on how to implement change is one angle where I think the book would still be a helpful read today. It talks about communication and empathy in these situations which I think if you do a certain amount of reflecting on the topic you will come to similar ideas.

It was interesting to skim over this book and get some ideas of what perspectives and outlooks are like and is something I would like to do with other historical events. It's really interesting to see what perceptions of the future are from the past than descriptions of the past from now.

Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions. I do not offer any investment advice. Do your own research.
--- Schubes ---

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