
No country will remain unchanged

5 min read

The future is not going to allow anyone to stay still. Automation is coming, and on top of that, the internationalization of the workforce online is going to cause a mass redistribution of wealth to countries that have lower costs of living.

Sadly I don’t think the richest among us will be the ones who will have their wealth redistributed. The working class of the developed world, will be the ones who lose the most, which is why they had better get hip to the crypto game ASAP.

I’ve already seen my industry exported to the Philippines, Russia and South America. I’m really happy about more opportunities for people there, but at the same time, I’d be pretty screwed if I wasn’t in crypto. My parents in the US may be alright since they hold some stock and have a house, but the standard of living in the richest countries is about to become drastically lower. I’m talking people of all ages living in bunk beds with roommates or family, barely scraping by and little hope of owning anything if they don’t get in early on the new opportunities that come from crypto.

At the same time, a middle class is going to develop in most countries where it barely existed before. Basically the world economy is going to stop functioning in terms of borders, and it’ll affect every country differently, all the meanwhile, more and more jobs disappear everywhere.

How will governments react?

Well they have 4 choices…

  • they can become more fascist, cracking down on the inevitable protests and punishing anyone who breaks the law even as it becomes harder and harder to survive without stealing or failing to pay back debt

  • they can become more socialist and start making more serious attempts at taking care of the people who lose their jobs.

  • they will become ultra capitalist, and this can take two different forms. It could be in the form of companies competing with governments and governments acting more like companies or it could be a total free reign for crypto and de-fi.

  • Countries may become more lawless and anarchistic as social structures break down under increased inflation and failing institutions

As we are talking about economic and political change, none of these outcomes are mutually exclusive. A country could become more anarchistic and more socialist or more anarchistic and capitalist. The former would result in a feeling of massive decentralization of societal norms, where each community becomes its own country. The latter will likely see corporations take the role of government, but with much looser control over things because they are all canceling each other’s power out through competition.

I personally prefer a balance between the above two examples.

A country could be more fascistic and more socialist, where borders close, rules are absolute and everyone is taken care of. …That hasn’t worked well in the past but if it occurs without a violent overthrow it may be more sustainable, although I won’t want to live in a place that has strict control over everything. I don’t like the idea of government having ultimate power.

I also don’t like the idea of companies having ultimate power, which is what a more fascist and more capitalistic country would look like.

I think these two fascistic examples are the direction many formerly powerful countries will take. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the US becomes the new North Korea. I don’t think it’s even that hard to imagine.

I think countries that are currently considered third world are more likely to take a more anarchistic route (especially those in South America and Europe) and end up with large population of relocated people who agree with their policies and management. They have the most to gain from cryptocurrency and the internationalization of the workforce, and it’ll attract a lot of investment OR complete new ways of running a country.

I’ve had some conversations with @drrune about this topic, I agree with a lot of his assessments but I am trying to imagine the details of how this may take shape. I do think that South America is going to see the most massive transformation out of anywhere.

On the contrary, Asia will be the most resistance to change, and will clingy as much as they can to the status quo, but they will fail. There is no holding on to this status quo. The old world model is gone, and countries will have to adapt.

I imagine Japan, where I am located will try their best to hold on, until eventually caving in to allowing massive levels immigration to fight the aging population issue and to stimulate the stagnant economy. I think in the end Japan will be in the same block as a lot of European countries, more socialist in policy but a lot of ultra capitalism from crypto adoption and to try and remain relevant. They’ll be late to the game but I don’t see them becoming very fascist as people still remember what that looked like.

Some countries will surprise us and pull a 180. The US is actually the biggest wild card. I have no doubt that their influence will wane in comparison to the past, but they have very strong factions for every ideology mentioned. They may even end up splitting…and that could be the best outcome if it happens peacefully. The one thing I always agree with Republicans on is “states rights” and if that idea could ever spread to the left, it could create a beautiful kind of United Decentralized States of America. That could be really beautiful. I would love to see 50 different states trying it differently, with the country itself to exist merely to be a coalition.

The opportunities are going to be spread out across the world and so will the burden, so if you’ve been used to economic stability, brace yourself and get flexible, and if you have been used to poverty, get ready to jump on the new opportunities, but also prepare for strange and sometimes uncomfortable new developments like influx of immigration, changing policies and increased cost of living.

In any case, things may become a little difficult in the coming years, but those of us with solid crypto holdings or diverse investments stand the most to gain from the coming changes.

I for one am excited to see a more decentralized world.


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