
Hive Power Up Day | 1 July 2022 - Enjoying the Bear

avatar of @shanibeer
3 min read

(Source) Hive Power Up Day hosted by @traciyork. Check her post for details.

Hitting Targets

Powering up to 65,000 HP today, almost two thirds of the way to my goal of 100,000 HP. Currently, I expect to reach it in twenty-one months - I'm not sure how I've managed to reduce that from nearly five years, but I'm happy to see it.

I also reached my 5,000 LEO goal this month, so only the HP target left now ๐Ÿ˜.

Favourite Investments

SPI (@spinvest) - Socially Pooled Investment fund which has seen dramatic growth from its $13,000 beginnings and is still holding its own at $128,000 - that's just about x 10: in a bear market. SPI pays a weekly 13% HIVE dividend on Sundays.

EDS (@eddie-earner) - HIVE income token, currently paying out 27% in HIVE every Monday. Has to be my favourite all-time token. It's straightforward: everything from sales, posting, airdrops is sold for HIVE, powered up and delegated, and the return used to provide weekly income to EDS holders. Low cost of entry (1 HIVE) and easy to understand.

LBI (@lbi-token) - LEO growth token, pays LEO dividend every Saturday.

CL (@lbi-token) - LEO income token, pays LEO income every Friday.

Weekly transparency and accountability reports for all the above tokens are available on the respective accounts. SPI and LBI are available from Hive-Engine and other exchanges; EDS and the EDS mini miner are also available on Hive-Engine. CL is issued on the 21st of each month - see the weekly reports for how to purchase.

Enjoying the Bear

The bear market is always a great time to stock up HIVE, I've enjoyed buying all the way down and again today when it dipped under 50 cents. Most of my account was built in the crypto winter extending from late 2018 all the way to, it feels like, two minutes ago. Much of it was bought at 13c, which was also when I built the bulk of my favourite investments.

I'm a Dollar Cost Average (DCA) investor - I have a set budget for the year and buy small amounts of HIVE regularly, roughly once a week, triggered by when HIVE drops below progressive thresholds. I've built a nice little kitty over the last few weeks and have invested in two new ventures:


A short-term investment as I don't play, but I enjoyed buying some SPS in the market, and I'm enjoying the 38% return even more. It has a handsome dashboard showing your liquid returns as they accumulate and you can find yourself mesmerised. Well, that's Splinterlands for you.


@spinvest joined, and I joined @spinvest's downline out of loyalty and an eye on my investments. Once there, I started exploring the possibilities that the free subscription offered to new and small accounts to grow their network. Using the @susie-saver account, I've written a post about it for the Saturday Savers Club.

ListNerds is a very well-structured and thought out platform, which manages to balance recognising the investment of large stake-holders and having an equitable token distribution model that encourages wide distribution.

The main thing I have enjoyed is being introduced to fresh content, much of it from small accounts, which it is nice to be able to support with a HIVE vote. ListNerds itself has lots of delightful features, including a tipping bot which, even more delightfully, doesn't spam the comments on everyone's posts.

It's early days for ListNerds and like most things there are handsome rewards for early adopters. Two of the native tokens, CTP and ListNerds, can be staked and earn a return on the ListNerds platform, regardless of whether you use the other features. Both available at very reasonable prices in Hive-Engine and other exchanges.

I can see lots of potential for ListNerds and I'm enjoying having a new project to nurture.


Click HERE to sign up to ListNerds under the SPI team

Three things newbies should do in their first week and, for most things, forever afterwards!