
[ENG/PT-BR] Theorycraft on the future of Rising Star. What could be implemented to improve the game?

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14 min read

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Welcome Music Lovers!

I believe many here saw a post made by the official Rising Star profile six days ago, commenting on the future of our beloved game. I really wanted to comment on it, on the same day or at most a day later, but I couldn't.

It's been a hectic week and well, technically I don't plan anything about my posts, I just calculate how my time is after I get home from work and see what I can create with the highest quality and well, the minimum amount of time available.

But I couldn't stop giving my opinion, following a guideline that I've seen in many games, where the term is called **“Theorycraft”, or in short, we create bursts of theories on a certain subject, well- similar to a “Brainstorm”*.

*My "Theorycraft"

Firstly, I'll mention parts of the post that talk a little bit about RS and so give my opinion right after, so please don't misunderstand, it's not plagiarism or post recycling, so all credits to the creator of the post. post @risingstargame.

You can check it out in full here:



We introduced STARPRO as a fixed supply token to combat the issue of STARBITS inflation. Over time we have added more and more use cases for STARPRO.

As you can see from the price chart above this has caused a steady rise in the price. Slow and steady is what you want, not "boom and bust" like many cryptos!

We continue to add more uses for STARPRO without increasing the supply. Recently we decided to only list boosters and other cards required to progress for STARPRO only. We are working on something else that will increase the demand even more.


In this part it is indicated that *STARPRO was introduced as a form of fixed supply to combat the inflation of STARBITS, and that later more uses for STARPRO were added over time, such as the Promote Fan Club mission.

Perhaps a lot of people would expect this to all be resolved right away, but in the next paragraph, it's precisely said about the control being slow and steady and not one big quick burst. From what I understand, this is a very important point, because with an extra level of security over your long-term investments, this can both keep players and attract new ones, who will feel greater security in investing.

I didn't particularly focus much on **STARPRO, I even spent some time doing Music Promoter and spending on Promote Fan Club*, but in the end, I found it very boring carry out these missions. So my theory is that it is, yes, created forms of use, but that it is something more fun, not rewarding, but something that really calls the attention of the players.

Some ideas for using *STARPRO:

  • Purchase of titles, which could be used to customize our profile, obviously we would need to remodel this part to create customizations.
  • Card skins maybe? It could be used on people and instrument cards, without changing their attributes.
  • Purchase of items or equipment that would have some use: generate more STARBITS, speed up a mission, spend less energy, all with a single use or a high chance of breaking, in order to buy these items more often.
  • We could have a page referring to a location, which could be started as our garage (as if it were the location card), but in this case fully customizable, and we could later buy other locations such as a studio and thus buy items for customize that could be objects, music (by the artists that RS launches), painting, among others.

These are examples of how we could burn STARPRO into items or cosmetics that wouldn't change the game's dynamics much, but would encourage players to exchange tokens.



There is a threshold at which it becomes more profitable to use Music Promoter than buy from the market (as it is now). In theory this puts a floor on the STARBITS price regardless of inflation. There are no guarantees of course but we hope this is the case. We get closer to this threshold every day and if we had not seen such a dramatic drop in crypto prices we would already be way above that threshold.

We get a lot of people telling us that we need to reduce the STARBITS rewards and increase the pack prices. I'm sorry but I do not believe this will solve anything. In fact this will make the game less attractive for new players and that is not what we want.

I am 100% committed to our solution of using STARPRO as outlined above. Could I be wrong? Sure! But I think it has a better chance of working in the long run than anything else I have seen suggested or we can think of.


Apparently, carrying out the **Music Promoter mission is an attempt to put a floor on the price of STARBITS and becomes even more advantageous than buying (STARPRO*) directly through market, this apparent tip is interesting, because I confess that I had no idea about this calculation to know what pays more or not.

So here we come into two points! The first is about this one, which if I understood correctly, using *Music Promoter is better at certain times, so is this published somewhere? Is there any propaganda made about it? For if this is better for the Rising Star's health it should be widely publicized!

I obviously confess that I don't actively participate in RS Discord, maybe we have this information there, so if anyone knows this information (if I'm not talking nonsense) please leave it in the comments!

Now, the second paragraph is a key point:

We get a lot of people telling us that we need to reduce the STARBITS rewards and increase the pack prices

About the packs I fully agree with leaving the value of 10k of **STARBITS per pack, we shouldn't touch that, but about reducing the rewards of STARBITS*, like this, it would be to reduce the return of the missions ( I think).

I believe that messing with the return of missions at first is also not right, but somehow, shouldn't the emission of *STARBITS be reduced? What could we do to make this happen?

  • Some form of additional penalty like EGO?
  • Fewer card flips?
  • Set of cards by season? For example, releasing 5 cards every 6 months?
  • A system similar to the Splinterlands ECR in conjunction with the energy we already have?
  • Limit the use of boosts that recover energy (Pizza, Coffee, etc.)?

If you have nowhere to run, what if the way you play was revamped?

Missions with a fixed return and much smaller and we could use a system of combining cards that would give bonuses in STARBITS*, would a card combined 5 times give a bonus of x0.005, 10 combined x0.010? You would choose a card to tie the accomplished mission.

  • Using STARPRO to boost returns? I burn STARPRO to generate more return, with that return do I exchange for more STARPRO for more return? Would that create a meaningless “loop”? Could it solve something?
  • What if our character's level influenced something? Players who believe more in RS and consequently focus on playing and raising their level, would they have an additional return?

It really takes an explosion of ideas to reach common ground here, but I fully believe that the game admins are doing their best to fix and evolve where necessary.



These are being tested by players all the time and we are almost finished on the coding side (just the final reward calculations to completed and some improvement to the 'look and feel').

However we are not in a rush to put this live because we have been building the reward pool in such a way that it will be sustainable. As soon as we go live the reward pool will not grow as quickly as we will be paying out SWAP.HIVE to Rave participants. The longer we wait the larger the initial reward pool will be.


I don't really know anything about the Raves, I didn't get to participate in any auditions and well, I won't talk about something I don't have information about. Anyway, any innovation implemented is welcome, always thinking about the health of Rising Star.

*Number of Players

With the drop in the value of cryptos and the whole process we are going through, where everything is frozen and many difficulties are ahead, a little bit is said about that too:

It is understandable that we are losing players at the moment as the HIVE price has been trending down and touched 25 cents just a week or so ago. I know I always say it is only a game and you should only play it if you enjoy it but a lot of people (understandably) are only interested in making money from it and everyone has a point where they are just not making enough to make it worth their while. We are hopeful that as the crypto markets recover and also with the launch of Raves that people will return but even if we end up with 1000 players we will continue to work on new features as we love doing so and we love the community!

Here comes an idea that I've said many times about Splinterlands and the hive itself, it's normal for the number of players to drop as the value of everything drops too. As stated in the mention, hive at $0.25 has caused a general stampede, in posts, active players, and even the quality of posts.

Naturally, the “milkers”, who only want money, disappear and then come back when the market recovers. We all know that these people don't love the game, they don't understand that a game is much more than profits, it's friendship, it's a tribe, it's friends with something and a common fun.

So to reassure everyone (including myself), even if we get to 1000 players, new features will still be created, showing that for those who are faithful and really have fun, we will always have news!


The post was long, but these are ideas I had now and I loved sharing them with you. I believe that everyone who likes Rising Star a lot has a lot of ideas to try to improve everything a little.

I presented some of my ideas to you and so, what do you think?

*That is all! Thank you all and until the next post!

*Bem-Vindos Amantes da Música!

Acredito que muitos aqui viram uma postagem feita pelo perfil oficial do Rising Star há seis dias, comentando sobre o futuro do nosso amado jogo. Eu realmente queria ter comentado sobre isso, no mesmo dia ou no máximo um dia depois, mas acabou que não consegui.

Foi uma semana agitada e bem, eu tecnicamente não planejo nada sobre minhas postagens, apenas calculo como está o meu tempo, após chegar do trabalho e vejo o que consigo criar com o máximo de qualidade e bem, o mínimo de tempo disponível.

Só que não poderia deixar de dar a minha opinião, seguindo uma diretriz que já vi em muitos jogos, onde o termo se chama **“Theorycraft”, ou em resumo, criamos rajadas de teorias sobre determinando assunto, bem-parecido com um “Brainstorm”*.

*Minha "Theorycraft"

Em primeiro lugar, mencionarei partes da postagem que fala um pouco sobre o RS e assim, dar a minha opinião logo após, então por favor, não entendam mal, pois não é plagio ou reciclagem de postagem, então todos os créditos para o criador da postagem @risingstargame.

Você pode conferir tudo na íntegra aqui:



We introduced STARPRO as a fixed supply token to combat the issue of STARBITS inflation. Over time we have added more and more use cases for STARPRO.

As you can see from the price chart above this has caused a steady rise in the price. Slow and steady is what you want, not "boom and bust" like many cryptos!

We continue to add more uses for STARPRO without increasing the supply. Recently we decided to only list boosters and other cards required to progress for STARPRO only. We are working on something else that will increase the demand even more.


Nessa parte é indicado que o **STARPRO foi introduzido como uma forma de suprimento fixo para combater a inflação do STARBITS, e que depois com o tempo foram adicionadas mais utilizações para o STARPRO, como, por exemplo, a missão Promote Fan Club*.

Talvez muita gente esperasse que isso tudo se resolvesse de imediato, mas no próximo parágrafo, é dito justamente sobre o controle ser lento e constante e não uma grande explosão rápida. O que entendi, isso é um ponto muito importante, pois com um nível a mais de segurança sobre os seus investimentos a longo prazo, isso pode tanto manter os jogadores, como atrair novos, que sentirão uma segurança maior em investir.

Eu particularmente não foquei muito em **STARPRO, até fiquei um tempo realizando a Music Promoter e gastando na Promote Fan Club*, mas no fim das contas, achei muito chato realizar essas missões. Então a minha teoria é que seja, sim, criado formas de utilização, mas que seja algo mais divertido, não recompensador, mas algo que realmente chame atenção dos jogadores.

Algumas ideias para utilizar *STARPRO:

  • Compra de títulos, que poderiam ser utilizados para customizar nosso perfil, obviamente precisaríamos de uma remodelada nessa parte para criar customizações.
  • Skins das cartas talvez? Poderia ser utilizada nas cartas de pessoas e instrumentos, sem alterar seus atributos.
  • Compra de itens ou equipamentos que teriam alguma utilização: gerar mais STARBITS, acelerar alguma missão, gastar menos energia, tudo com utilização única ou chance alta de quebrar, para assim comprar mais vezes esses itens.
  • Poderíamos ter uma página referente a um local, que poderia ser iniciado como a nossa garagem (como se fosse a carta de local), mas neste caso totalmente Customizável, sendo que poderíamos comprar depois outros locais como um estúdio e assim, comprar itens para customizar que poderiam ser objetos, musicas (dos próprios artistas que o RS lança), pintura, dentre outros.

São exemplos de como poderíamos queimar STARPRO em itens ou cosméticos que não alterariam muito a dinâmica do jogo, mas que incentivassem os jogadores a realizar a troca de tokens.



There is a threshold at which it becomes more profitable to use Music Promoter than buy from the market (as it is now). In theory this puts a floor on the STARBITS price regardless of the inflation. There are no guarantees of course but we hope this is the case. We get closer to this threshold every day and if we had not seen such a dramatic fall in crypto prices we would already be way above that threshold.

We get a lot of people telling us that we need to reduce the STARBITS rewards and increase the pack prices. I'm sorry but I do not believe this will solve anything. In fact this will make the game less attractive for new players and that is not what we want.

I am 100% committed to our solution of using STARPRO as outlined above. Could I be wrong? Sure! But I think it has a better chance of working in the long run than anything else I have seen suggested or we can think of.


Aparentemente, realizar a missão **Music Promoter é uma tentativa de colocar um piso no preço do STARBITS e se torna até mais vantajoso do que comprar (STARPRO*) direto pelo mercado, essa aparente dica é interessante, pois confesso que nem fazia ideia desse calculo para saber o que compensa mais ou não.

Então aqui entramos em dois pontos! O primeiro é sobre esse, que se entendi bem, utilizar *Music Promoter é melhor em certos momentos, então, isso é divulgado em algum lugar? É feita alguma propaganda sobre isso? Pois se isso é melhor para a saúde do Rising Star deveria ser amplamente divulgado!

Confesso obviamente não participar ativamente do Discord do RS, talvez tenhamos essa informação lá, então caso alguém saiba dessa informação (se não estou falando besteira) deixe nos comentários por favor!

Agora, o segundo parágrafo é um ponto-chave:

We get a lot of people telling us that we need to reduce the STARBITS rewards and increase the pack prices

Sobre os packs concordo plenamente em deixar o valor de 10k de **STARBITS por pack, não devemos mexer nisso, mas sobre reduzir as recompensas de STARBITS*, assim, seria reduzir o retorno das missões (acho).

Acredito que mexer no retorno das missões a princípio também não é o certo, mas de alguma forma, não deveria ser reduzido a emissão de **STARBITS*? O que poderíamos fazer para isso acontecer?

  • Alguma forma de penalidade adicional como o EGO?
  • Menos lançamentos de cartas?
  • Conjunto de cartas por temporada? Por exemplo, lançar 5 cartas há cada 6 meses?
  • Um sistema parecido com o ECR do Splinterlands em conjunto com a energia que já temos?
  • Limitar a utilização de impulsos que recuperam energia (Pizza, Café, etc.)?

Se não tem para onde correr, e se a maneira de jogar fosse reformulada?

Missões com retorno fixo e bem menor e poderíamos utilizar um sistema de combinar cartas que dariam bônus no STARBITS*, uma carta combinada 5 vezes daria um bônus de x0,005, 10 combinadas x0,010? Você escolheria uma carta para atrelar a missão realizada.

  • Utilizar STARPRO para dar um impulso no retorno? Queimo STARPRO para gerar mais retorno, com esse retorno troco por mais STARPRO para mais retorno? Isso criaria um “loop” sem sentido? Poderia resolver algo?
  • E se o nível do nosso personagem influenciasse em algo? Jogadores que acreditam mais no RS e consequentemente focam em jogar e sobem o seu nível teriam um adicional no retorno?

Realmente é preciso uma explosão de ideias para chegar em um ponto em comum aqui, mas acredito plenamente que os administradores do jogo estão fazendo o seu melhor para corrigir e evoluir no que for preciso.



These are being tested by players all the time and we are almost finished on the coding side (just the final reward calculations to completed and some improvement to the 'look and feel').

However we are not in a rush to put this live because we have been building the reward pool in such a way that it will be sustainable. As soon as we go live the reward pool will not grow as quickly as we will be paying out SWAP.HIVE to Rave participants. The longer we wait the larger the initial reward pool will be.


Eu realmente não sei nada sobre as Raves, não cheguei a participar de nenhum teste e bem, não falarei sobre algo que não tenho informações. De qualquer forma, qualquer novidade implementada é bem-vinda, pensando sempre na saúde do Rising Star.

*Número de Jogadores

Com a queda no valor dos criptos e todo o processo que estamos passando, onde está tudo congelado e muitas dificuldades a vista, é falado um pouco sobre isso também:

It is understandable that we are losing players at the moment as the HIVE price has been trending down and touched 25 cents just a week or so ago. I know I always say it is only a game and you should only play it if you enjoy it but a lot of people (understandably) are only interested in making money from it and everyone has a point where they are just not making enough to make it worth their while. We are hopeful that as the crypto markets recover and also with the launch of Raves that people will return but even if we end up with 1000 players we will continue to work on new features as we love doing so and we love the community!

Aqui entra uma ideia que já falei muitas vezes sobre o Splinterlands e a hive em si, é normal que o número de jogadores caiam conforme o valor de tudo caia também. Como dito na menção, hive a $0,25 causou uma debandada geral, nas postagens, nos jogadores ativos e até mesmo na qualidade das postagens.

Naturalmente, os “milkers”, que só querem dinheiro, desaparecem e depois voltam quando o mercado se recupera. Todos nós já sabemos que esse pessoal não ama o jogo, não entende que um jogo é muito mais que lucros, é amizade, é uma tribo, são amigos com assunto e uma diversão em comum.

Então para tranquilizar a todos (inclusive eu), mesmo que fiquemos com 1000 jogadores, ainda assim será criado novos recursos, mostrando que para aqueles sendo fiéis e realmente se divertem, teremos sempre novidades!


A postagem ficou longa, mas, são ideias que tive agora e adorei compartilhar com vocês. Acredito que todos que gostem bastante do Rising Star, tem muitas ideias para tentar melhorar de tudo um pouco.

Um pouco das minhas ideias apresentei para vocês e então, qual a opinião de vocês?

*Isso é tudo! Obrigado a todos e até a próxima postagem!

**Image Credit: banners created by me in [Canva](*.

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