
LeoFinance where engagement and community are King of the jungle.

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3 min read


A community of drivers and supporters

Leofinance Community is in the drivers seat, playing the long game through engagement, weathering adversity, building community cohesiveness and weathering the storms.

The Long Game

I read the AI SEO article by @khaleelzaki and @nealmcspadden (I hope I got those spellings right). And I was impressed with their calm demeanor and long game attitude towards spending hard earned cash to build the community and platform. In a day of shortened news cycles we sometimes forget that a long range strategy is important in all businesses, and particularly in social media.


One of the truly gratifying aspect of being in this Leofinance Community is the high level of engagement. I think it is perhaps an annoying truism that the Social aspect is a vital component of Social Media. Additionally, if it is missing the community suffers from I think a lack of cohesiveness, necessary to weather storms, like the inevitable ups and downs of token prices and changes in the weather.


I love how this community sticks together in adversity. things as mild as price drops and as major as code hacks, can drive a wedge between community members and lead to inter-community fighting and also attacks and dissatisfaction with leadership. However in a cohesive community these bad things are taken in stride. As I mentioned above, token prices rise and fall, so communities where members see price drops as buying opportunities and good things, versus communities where price drops are met with dumping.

Weather changes

Additionally, while we would all like the weather to be always warm and sunny, there will be cloudy dark days, filled with rain, that I think are necessary for growth. This is true both of gardening and community building. Code hacks, token theft, market down turns are all tough things which lower market caps and shake investors confidence. But strong cohesive communities grow stronger with exposure to adversity, and I think the Leofince community displays this characteristic.

Building a shared future of success

Community participation

Additionally, when you view the Leofinance leadership team, it is filled with people of differing areas of expertise. Who have gathered together to work communally on building a community and value. I am impressed with their calculated and measured financial investment and financial risks in this community and this token. I also respect their civility, humility and respect for each other in print and in person on the Podcasts.

Widespread Community Participation beyond the leadership team

Lastly, but equally important, I also admire not only the whales, but also the smaller investors. Both those who provide liquidity on Uniswap, those who provide large and small curation awards, those who produce good content and also those who provide polite, passionate, informed, intelligent and yet humble engagement.


There are many roles to be filled in a balanced, complete community and ecosystem, and many individuals step up to fulfill those roles here on Leofinance.

So to the newcomers to Leofinance welcome, join us on this journey, as we travel this roadmap to the future of finance social media.


Graphics by Leofinance Graphic Credit

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