
No Loss Lottery Roadmap Review and Update May 10th, 2021: new item: pools

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2 min read

No Loss Lottery Roadmap Review

One: Product Launch

May 2nd, 2021 Status: Completed.

Two: create second account: @nolosslottery

All funds go to this account, not my account, to prevent commingling of funds and increase transparency. Status : Completed

Three: Establish a Reserve

The purpose of the Reserve is to deposit funds into the interest earning account, which earn interest, but are not associated with a ticket. The purpose is to boost the reward and incentivize participation. I deposited 1000 BLEO. Status : Completed

Four: move funds to higher APR Farm from Cub Den.

The farms have a higher APR and this move will increase the size of the prize. Status: Completed

Five: Move funds to BLEO Liquidity pair when Leobridge is operational.

Thus supports LeoBridge by providing Liquidity to facilitate trading and raising the cap on how much WLEO can be traded for BLEO and how many ERC tokens can be moved to BSC from Ethereum.
Status: Completed.

Six: Use code for trustless permission-less system.

The project is a centralized and requires trust in me. I will replace me with code. Then the system will then be trust less and permission-less.

Plan: I will utilize composable solidity code construct for the smart contract construction. Then procure code audit to provide best safety practices to secure investors funds. Principle the safety of investors funds is a priority. #status: Planning and research stage.

Seven: Increase Reserve Pool size.

I will continue contributing my Leo earnings to the pool. But also will look at selling a Pool token to raise funds and pay token owners from the 5% fee taken from the prize money. Status: in process.

Eight: New Roadmap Item: Pools

This is a plan to allow users to pool their numbers, to increase their chance of winning, and distribute portions of the winnings according to contribution amount.

Ticket holders would continue to buy tickets individually, but I will create a sign up mechanism whereby ticket holders could pool there numbers before each drawing.

This would increase the pool members chance of winnning, but the prize would be divided up amongst all pool members, so it would be smaller. So it would give lottery players a choice between a higher statistical chance of winning a smaller prize, versus a lower chance of winning a larger prize. #status: planning and research stage

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Shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, and decentralized finance.

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